Chapter 10: Checking In

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"Who doesn't have a random, but awesome, thought in the elevator?"

Simón opened the giant glass doors with gold handles. And we were back into character. I was his kid again.

We walked to the front desk to check in. Connor in front with Simón and all of us 'kids' behind him.

"Hello. How may help you?" The manager asked, smiling to Connor. Wow, people were really buying our act.

"I'm here to check in with my two children. We have a room booked under," He drew a blank so America quickly passed him a piece of paper, unknowing to the manager, "Williamson."

"Alright, let's see." The manager scrolled around on his computer for a moment, "Ah, here you are. One room, with two beds and a couch. Is this correct?"

"Yes." Connor told him, unsure but guessing it was.

Then the two of them worked on getting the room, and the whole ID process and all of the technical stuff.

"Great. Here are your room keys." The manager told him, when they had finished making sure the room was right. He handed over the room keys. "Enjoy your stay. Next."

Connor walked with Julia and Lucas into the lobby, where they sat down on a couch, waiting for us.

"Hi. I'm checking in. I should have a room under the name of Valente?" He had checked with America after Connor didn't know.

"Right. Here we are. Are you Zach Valente?" Gosh, America even changed his first name.

"Yes, that's me."

"Perfect. We'll just have you show proof of identification and..." I'd tell you all of those details, but I forget them myself.

"Here are your keys. Enjoy your stay! Next."

We moved away from the front desk and headed towards the couch where Julia, Lucas and Connor were sitting.

"Simón, hand over the room keys." America told him, being a little bossy but that's how she is.

"Okay?" He told her, handing them over.

"It's not some weird thing for power if that's what you're thinking. It's just that you will be rooming with Connor and Lucas. So we need the keys."

"Ah. Right. That makes more sense." He replied. And it did make more sense, all the girls together and the boys in a different room.

"Let's go!" America announced, causing Connor and Simón to lead us towards the elevator.

"Let's look at our room assignments." Julia suggested. The girls were in room 7893 and the boys were in 8393.

"Only a level away. So close." America said.

"Yeah, but on 1,000 roomed floors." Julia pointed out. And I could tell that it pained America to be wrong.

"I guess. Oh, wait. This is our floor." She said pointing at the now opened elevator door. "C'mon."

We walked out of the elevator and down the hall. After a long and vigorous search we found our room.

America unlocked the door and the three of us walked inside. It wasn't that bad. It was actually pretty nice. Two queen beds and a pretty nice looking couch. Julia turned on the lights and we all started to look around.

America sat down on the couch. She looked to us.

"So, who wants the couch?"

All three of us looked at each other. But luckily, Julia quickly responded, "Me!"

"Perfect. It's yours."

Julia walked over to the couch and sat next to America. I sat down on a bed. We sat there for a while, until America realized that we weren't doing anything.

"Wait a minute. The boys still have the bag." We all got up and walked out the door to go and find their room.

After searching all around the 8th floor we found room 8393, and knocked on the door. After waiting a heartbeat someone inside came to the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, America. And Julia and G." America told the voice.

"Oh, let me open the door."

We heard the click of a lock opening and the door came inwards, revealing that we had been talking to Connor.

"What do you need, or what did you come for?" He asked.

"The bag. You guys have all of our stuff."

"Right. Come in." He said, revealing the rest of the hotel room. It was identical to ours, but swapped around. Like a mirror almost.

Lucas was sitting on the couch and Simón was on the bed with a guitar. How did he have that guitar, like since when was that here? Connor walked over to the corner, where the bag had been spilled all over the floor.

"Seriously?" America asked. Connor shrugged.

"Go ahead and take your stuff."

We searched through the pile and eventually grabbed our clothes. Then after we quickly sorted our electronics, I grabbed my phone, iPad, and computer, America grabbed her own of the objects and Julia grabbed her iPad.

Not knowing what to do, America and I sat down on the bed where no one was seated. Julia followed.

"Whatcha doing?" She asked, looking around at the others.

"Nothing. What are you doing?"

"Glad you asked. We can't just sit around all day. We need to do something."

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