Chapter Ni: What Ereh's Morning After A Nightmare Like

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Eren's POV

"AHHHH!!!" I screamed and was breathing rapidly because of that nightmare i had. This is not the first time that i've had that nightmare. The first time i had that was when i was 6 years old. Its scary at first but as the years go by i eventually got used to it due to that appearing occasionally.

I heard rapid footsteps to my room and then my door was suddenly slammed open to see my not-so-overprotective sister, Mikasa, breathing hard and was looking at me with her worried look which is not surprising anymore. 

"Ereh, are you okay? I suddenly heard you screaming and i thought some robbers broke into your room and came here immediately!" Said Mikasa while checking every bit of my body, from head to toe, and even tried to take my clothes off but i stopped her from doing so.

"Im fine Mikasa, i just had that nightmare again and yes, it was the same nightmare that i told you about before." I told her before she asks me a dozen questions as to what happened to me. 

"Good thing its just a nightmare but that was like the 3rd time you've had that this week, are we really not going to tell your dad to see if there is anything wrong with you?" She said , now sitting on my bed and wiping my sweat off that i totally forgot to wipe. My dad is one of the best doctors in this district so its understandable why she would suggest to go to him.

"Its fine, i don't want to trouble my dad and i also don't want my mom to worry that much. You know how she is if its something that involves me, don't you?" I replied to her while getting out of my bed and stretching a bit to wake myself up. 

"Yeah, she tends to overreact sometimes that its kind of funny to see." Mikasa said while walking towards my closet and picking out my school uniform. Wow she really said that? She's not anymore better, i mean, just a little scream from me and she'll be like, "aHhH eReH aRe yOu oKaY? I sWeAr oN mY LiFe tHaT i WiLl dEsTrOy wHoEvEr dId tHiS tO yOu blah blah blah." Though i appreciate it, its getting annoying now to be honest.

Wait, school uniform? Huh? Speaking of that, Mikasa is wearing our school uniform right now, does that mean that today is Monday..? "Mikasa, what day is it today and what is also the time?" I asked her nervously because its our first day of school after the summer break.

"Yes, today is Monday, our first day of school. Its 7:20am and we only have 10 more minutes before the bus arrive so you better hurry up or i might leave you here alone." Mikasa replied while walking out of my room and going downstairs to probably prepare her things.





I immediately rushed toward the bathroom to do my thing only to enter my parents' room by accident. I quickly left and went to the bathroom to take a pee and then do the rest. 

"Mikasha, don't shu dare leave me arone here or elsh, i won't ishpeak to you for the entire week." I shouted to her, well, tried to, while taking a quick shower and brushing my teeth at the same time. I cannot afford to be late or else i would be the laughing stock of the entire school and i don't want that because being late in our school is a sign that you're a lazy kid and an idiot. Yeah i know, crazy right?

"Yes yes, i get it. Im going out now. See you Aunt later." I heard Mikasa say before going outside the door with her bag and lunch box.

"Okay, see you later Mika-chan." I heard my mom reply from the kitchen and i am now walking downstairs while struggling to put my uniform on.

"Mikasa, just wait a minute please. If you wait for me i will do all things you want me to do so please wait for me!" I shouted to her outside but she didn't listen and i only have 2 more minutes and my mom is helping me put on my uniform.

"And finished. Here's your lunch and bag. Go now before the bus leaves and don't keep Mikasa waiting for too long." Mom said to me while handing my lunch and bag over and i saw the bus is now here. 

"Okay mom bye, i love you, see you later." 

"See you too two kids later". Mom replied while waving goodbye at us and I immediately ran over outside to see Mikasa getting in to the school bus and i ran faster to catch up to her.

"Mikasa, im here now so please don't go anymore faster." I said now that im behind her getting on the bus.

"Sigh, alright but next time, please wake up earlier." Said Mikasa now heading over to where we usually seat.

"Yes i know Mikasa i owe you one this time, love you." I replied and went ahead of her and then sat down on our seat since she stopped walking for who-knows-why. I saw her mumbling something and her face is very red for some unknown reason but i just ignored it and decided to talk to this person that's always with us everytime we go to school.

A/N: This is chapter 2 of the story and ngl it looks somewhat decent. Tho i still feel like there's something missing and i just cant put my finger on it. I would probably release the next chapter tomorrow or on Sunday but i cannot guarantee that yet. That is all see ya on the next chapter.

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