Chapter Kuusi: Just Because They Look The Same Doesn't Mean They're Related

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3rd Person POV

The transfer students are now standing
in front of the class, and everyone is staring at them with mouths wide open and faces blushing. Its mostly the boys that have that reaction and some girls too. The blonde girl is the one getting that attention and the other girl is just, there, not giving her any face whatsoever. Their classmates are saying things like, "is she a goddess?", "she's too beautiful" and, "i wanna marry her." Pyxis told his students to calm down and then motioned the 2 girls to introduce themselves and they did.

"Hello and good morning everyone. My name is Historia Reiss. I just moved in in this district and i don't know anything here yet so i'll be in your care." Historia said to them with a smile. A smile that pierced through their hearts and they, mostly the boys, blushed hard and some even had a nosebleed.

"Im Ymir." She said nonchalantly, making their faces of joy dim out and the mood lowering down.

"Uh huh. Okay, Historia, you sit between Eren and Armin. And you, Ymir, you sit behind Eren." Pyxis said and they walked towards their assigned seats and while walking, all eyes were on them and the boys are getting jealous at Historia's new seatmates. Eren got excited all of a sudden and is now nervous. He turned to look at Armin and his nervousness disappeared when he saw how similar they look and he can't help but think if they were related in some way.

The 2 girls sat on their seat and Historia turned to look at her new seatmates and greeted them with a smile. "Nice to meet you both. Take care of me from now on." She said and shook their hands. Armin couldn't help but blush and he thought how she would look if she wore his uniform. Eren on the other hand is still thinking on how he's going to ask if both her and Armin are really related to each other. 

Eren stopped his line of thought when he felt a murderous gaze on him and turned to see Mikasa, glaring at him for letting someone hold her precious Ereh's hand and he quickly let go of her and focused on the teacher in front of them. Mikasa's gaze soften a little but still cannot stop herself from looking at them time-to-time.

Pyxis made them introduce themselves one by one. The first one that Pyxis called is the buzzed-cut boy. He's name is Connie Springer. The second one is Sasha Braus, the chocolate eating girl that Eren saw at the ceremony. The third one is Haise Xarx and so on. Not much happened after the introduction since its still the first day of school so we're gonna skip to their lunch break.

-Lunch Break-

The trio is now on the cafeteria, lining up to buy something to drink since they, for some reason, forgot to bring their water. Its a good thing not much people is there otherwise they would wait for the entirety of their break. 

"What do you think of our new classmates?" Armin said breaking the silence between them.

"Historia is beautiful, true. But i kinda like Ymir more, feels like i could become friends with her if she wants to." Surprisingly, Mikasa said it and that shocked the 2 boys. Mikasa volunteering herself to be friends with someone has a low chance of happening than you getting together with your crush.

"Okay, that was surprising. And yeah i agree on what Mikasa said about Historia. There is something about her that keeps bothering me though."

"Like what?"

"I'll just talk to her about it once i have the chance to. And you don't have to worry Mikasa, its not like im going to--one bottled water please--confess to her or something." Says Eren to Mikasa while paying for his water. He knows he has to tell her that else she would annoy him the entire day to make him say if he has feelings for her.

"That's good then." Replied Mikasa and bought her and Armin's drink and then went to their table. When they got there they just talked while eating until Armin noticed 3 people coming over to them.

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