Chapter Twenty Two

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I was meeting with my mom for lunch so that she could help me plan the fashion show. I wasn't against hiring an event planner but I wanted to get the details right. My mom threw the best parties and she was more than happy to help me out. The showcase was in two weeks and I couldn't be more excited. All the invites had been sent out and almost everyone had RSVP'd so it was definitely going to be a huge success.

Twenty minutes later my mom arrived at the restaurant and I stood up to hug her. She insisted we meet there saying she had been too couped up in the house and the office and needed to get out of her daily routine.

"I'm sorry I'm late sweetheart but I had to drop grandpa off at home first." My mom apologized when we both sat back down.

I had already ordered her drink for her and I gently pushed it towards her. She gave me a grateful smile and took a sip of the juice.

"Why what's wrong with him?" I asked concerned.

My grandfather rarely took a sick day. He lived for his work even if at his age he should have retired already.

"Nothing serious. It was just a slight cold. He'll be okay in a few days." She reassured me and I was relieved.

I loved my grandfather and would not want anything to happen to him. He was the backbone to our family and he had to live for as long as possible which was forever if you asked me.

"Okay mom. I'll call him later to check up on him. Thanks for helping me with this by the way. It means a lot to me."

"Anything for my baby girl. I just want to see you succeed and if I can have anything to do with that then the better." She said patting my cheek.

"Okay so this all I have so far and I want your opinion on it. I was thinking we can have the event at Kenafric Hotel, they have an amazing view on their roof so we can have the after party there too." I suggested handing my mom the folders.

"That's a good idea. I see you've thought about almost everything now let's see what we can do about the decorations. They have to match to the Ankara theme so definitely a lot of bright colors. The music we hire the same dj we had at the party last time and the band too. They were really good." My mom added.

"I knew I was right to call you. Let's discuss the food then." I suggested and we spent the next two hours talking about every single detail from the cookout colour of the lights on the runway to the ribbons that would be used on the seats.

The lunch took more time than I had anticipated but by the time we were done we have already covered all the details. The only thing that was left was for me to execute our plans and I would do that together with my assistant so I wasn't worried about that.

"Okay now that's over done with tell me about you and David. How are you guys doing?" My mom asked.

Thinking about him had me blushing from the tip of my toes to my ears. So glad I was dark skinned otherwise pink would definitely not be a good color on me.

"We're doing great mom. Living together is awesome and we even declared our love for each other and I know no mother wants to hear this from her daughter but we did the deed and it was amazing." I replied.

"You and I know we're much closer than most mothers and daughters so never be ashamed to tell me anything. I'm happy that you're happy baby. It's all I've ever wanted for you and if David makes you happy then I can rest easy knowing my baby is being taken care of by someone who deserves her." My mom reassured me.

"I'm the one who doesn't deserve him mom. He's all I have ever dreamed off and more. I mean I know he has a past that he isn't proud off but I don't care about that. I care about the David here and now who treats me like a queen." I gushed out.

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