Chapter Forty One

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After a very eventful and emotional night we had said goodbye to our guests and retired to bed. David's family had a hard time leaving so my mom just showed them to the extra bedrooms so they could stay the night. I understood why they were reluctant to leave David because even I had been glued to him all night. I felt as if letting him out of my sight for even a minute would cause him to disappear. He wasn't leaving my side anytime soon until I got over the fear of loosing him.

"I do have question though, how did the test for the ashes come positive with your DNA?"I asked David as we got changed for bed in the closet.

"They did shave my head and cut my nails so burning that was more than enough evidence."He explained and I hummed in agreement when it made sense.

I braided my hair into two huge cornrows to keep them in place before pulling on one of David's T-shirts. I didn't have anything underneath apart from my panties and that's all I needed. David was dressed in only a pair of sweatpants leaning on the dresser as he watched me apply moisturizer to my face. Our routine was so normal as if we hadn't been apart for the last fourteen months.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"I asked noticing the intense look in his eyes.

"Just can't get over how beautiful you look and how much I had missed you."He replied biting his lower lip, eyes raking over my body.

I walked towards him and put my palms on his bare chest looking up at him.

"I missed you too babe."I replied leaning up on my tiptoes to kiss him.

He still had to lean down to meet me halfway, oh how I'd missed his brooding height. My arms ended up around his neck as his grasped my ass. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist caging him in.

Our kisses turned frantic and I felt David carry me out of the closet and into the bedroom laying me carefully on the bed. He hovered over me supporting his weight on his elbows while I was still attached to him like a baby monkey to its mother.

He broke our kiss and started sucking on neck like a starved man. A few moans slip past my lips as my nails dug into his back.

"Baby we don't have to do this if you're not ready."David said looking up to meet my eyes even for a minute.

It was sweet that he was thinking of my feelings even when I could feel the steel rod pressing stiffly against his sweatpants onto my thigh.

"I want this."I replied biting my lip.

He still seemed hesitant so I decided to help him out a little bit. I pulled my t-shirt over my head exposing my bare chest to him. His eyes immediately dropped to my hardened nipples. The last straw for him was when I rubbed my leg against his manhood making him groan and close his eyes as if he was in pain. It had been fourteen long months without him and I definitely wanted to go all the way.

When his lips latched themselves on my nipple then I knew I was in for a long night ahead.


A few hours later I lay naked in top of an equally naked David panting and trying to catch my breath. We had showed how much we'd missed each other in so many different positions. I'd be very sore in the morning but it was going to be a very good kind of sore.

David was running his hands over my ribs and when he got to my side his fingers ran over my scar and my breath hitched. I knew what that scar was for and I hoped that he didn't notice, because I didn't want to ruin the time we were having together with my tragic story. The scar wasn't that big and it faded a little each passing day but it was still noticeable. I bit my lip nervously and crossed my fingers hoping he would not notice but of course he did.

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