Chapter Thirty Five

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I was sitting in the living room of my current residence surrounded by a lot of junk food. Some of it was eaten and some of it was waiting for me to plough through. I know what you're thinking, she's finally eating, that's so great, it's must mean that she is finally healing. Sorry to burst your bubble but let me catch you up. Two months ago the love of my life was kidnapped, three weeks after that his ashes were delivered to our apartment and we buried him a week later. I moved to South Africa two weeks after we said goodbye to David and lost the baby that I didn't know I had the same day I landed. I fell into a deep depression and had to be hospitalized and fed through a tube because I couldn't eat or sleep.

Now here I was stress eating because I had discovered that was another way to deal with stress. It didn't help much but it kept me out of hospital and kept my family and friends from worrying too much about me. I didn't like making them worried so I was faking a lot of being okay for their sake. I was still grieving most of the time but I just couldn't over the death of the love of my life after just two months. I wasn't a robot. If I had healed faster I would have questioned my love for him.

I grabbed a can of pringles and popped it open door devouring it from the word go. Even with all my eating, I didn't gain much weight just resumed my normal kilograms which the doctor assured me was ideal for my height and age. My hair was died pink, I had died it to remember my lost baby who I hoped had been a girl. I had always wanted a girl as the first born. I was in black tights and a black T-shirt belonging to my man. The area around me was a little messy but I would clean it up before Nina and Andrew got back from work. They always watched me like a hawk and if they could have their way Nina would carry me in a pouch like a baby kangaroo and take me to work with her. I wasn't ready to go to work for them yet so we had agreed that I would sit out for the first movie which would be done in a month and join them for the shooting of the next one. I already had the script so whenever the mood hit me I'd get into designing.

My laptop lit up with an incoming video call on the table next to the pizza and I pressed enter to receive the call.

"Best Friend!!!!!!!" Kim yelled into the screen when she saw me.

"Shout any louder and everyone will hear you across the oceans."I replied with a smile.

"Let them. I'm just happy to talk to you. Seeing you smiling and eating. It makes me happy." She sniffed and wiped off a tear.

"Kim don't cry. I'm all better now. How are you?"I asked and she composed herself before starting to rant about her life.

She was handling the company on my behalf and I thought she'd slack or get bored but she seemed to be having so much fun doing it. I didn't want to stress her but she assured me that she enjoyed doing it and if it got too much she'd ask my mom or the twins for help.

I took back what I had told David the first day we met about the girls not being there for me when I needed them. The last two months had proven just how they had my back in good and in bad and I was always grateful having them in my life. I couldn't have handled the company in my grief but Kim had taken over the reigns and stepped up in my place. I'd be sure to do something amazing for her when I got back.

"You look pale. Have you been outside at all?"She asked squinting at me.

"No, it's too hot."I complained.

"You need some sun girl. Get out of the house for a while. You don't have to go far but just a simple walk will be good."She advised.

"But I don't want to."I whined even though I knew she was right.

Nina and my mom had said the same thing to me.

"Why don't you just get dressed up, go to café order a box of donuts or something sweet, get a table outside and enjoy the fresh air."She advised.

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