Chapter Thirty Eight

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I watched the clouds pass by hoping they would help me ease my nerves. I was going home after a whole year and i was both excited and very nervous. Even though I talked to my family and friends often via phone call and video call it was not the same as seeing the face to face. I had missed all of them greatly even my brothers who annoyed the hell out of me all the time. I had tried sleeping during the flight home but I had been too hyper to sleep. My brain had simply refused to shut down so I had watched movies the whole seven plus hours. Thankfully this time there were no people trying to disturb me. I would have been more accommodating but it didn't mean that I wanted to be disturbed.

The fasten our seatbelts light came in and I adjusted mine since landing could get rough sometimes. I watched as we left the clouds and got closer to the ground. I was not a fan of landing but the pilot made it so smooth I was almost tempted to go give him a hug. After he was fine giving his little speech we were told it was okay to alight. I grabbed white carry on and alighted the plane with the other passengers. It wasn't a hustle to find my brown suitcase and I soon found myself finding my way to the exit.

George was supposed to pick me up and I had sent him my flight time before i boarded the plane so he could get there on time. I spotted him before he saw me and I took a moment to take him all in. He looked the same to me except for a few worry lines no doubt caused by me. He'd decided to go completely bald when his bald spot started showing and I had to say it looked good on him. He didn't shave his beard though saying he didn't want to look like an egg.

He finally spotted me and a grin graced his face making me smile too. He started walking towards me and I met him halfway walking into his open arms for a much needed hug. I had promised myself not to cry but I couldn't stop the few tears that trickled down my face.

We pulled away after a few minutes and he held me at arms length probably to inspect me. I was dressed in a simple white T-shirt tucked into high waisted rugged baggy jeans and white sneakers.

"Have you grown?" He asked me and I chuckled.

"No I haven't."I replied and as if he couldn't resist he pulled me in for another hug and I didn't stop him.

I needed it as much as he did.

"It's so good to have you back sweetheart. I missed you."He whispered softly.

"I missed you too George."I replied.

We pulled apart and he grabbed my suitcase while I grabbed my carry on. He led us outside to the parking lot and we walked towards the parking lot. The Nairobi sun hit my skin and I took a deep breath of the slightly polluted air. Definitely smells like home. George out my suitcase in the backseat and I sat next to him in the passengers side as he drove home.

"I should have come with you."George grunted five minutes into the drive.

I'd heard that line so many times over the past one year.

"No you shouldn't have. The twins needed you and so did grandma. What would they have done without you?" I asked knowing he didn't have a reply to that.

"Oh I know but still. I was worried."He insisted.

"I know George but it's okay now. I'm and that's all that matters."I replied giving him a warm smile.

"You look good by the way. I'm glad you took that vacation and give yourself time to heal."He commented and I grinned.

"Thank you George and I'm glad I went too. It was the best decision."I conquered.

He was probably comparing the way I looked at the moment and the way I was a year ago when he drove me to the airport. It had been a very emotional day but it was all in the past now. I would never completely heal from the death of David but I was learning day by day to live with it.

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