I Have A Shipping Problem

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Sven: Guys... it's hopeless. Burt doesn't have a crush on me!
Henry: Yes, he does.
Charles: Yes, he does.
Ellie: Yes, he does.
The entire Toppat Clan: Yes, he does.
Burt: Yes, I do.


Charles: I kind of feel like doing something stupid right now.
Henry: I'm stupid. Do me.
Charles: ...
Ellie: ...
Henry: ...
Henry: I said that out loud, didn't I?


Burt: Ugh, I'm such trash.
Sven: Well, as someone who cares about the environment, I'm obligated to pick you up. Does 7 P.M Saturday work?
Burt: You smooth motherf- Yes, Saturday works.

(Sven alternates between amazingly smooth and terribly awkward and there is no in between)


Charles: Hey, Henry, where are you going?
Henry: *Picks up keys* To commit a felony or get ice cream.
Henry: I'll decide in the car.


Ellie: So, you two got in a car crash? How?
Charles: Well, I saw a deer in the road, so I yelled, "Henry, deer!"
Henry: ...
Charles: And what was your response, Hen?
Henry: ... "Yes, honey?"


Sven: Burt and I don't have pet names for each other.
Henry: Really? What do bees make?
Sven: ... Honey?
Burt: *Pops head in* Yes, dear?
Henry: *Turns to Sven* Don't you ever lie to my face again.


Charles: I'm cold.
Henry: *Takes off jacket and gives it to him* Here.

Reginald: I'm cold.
RHM: *Pulls out jacket and wraps it around him* Jeez, Reggie, I told you to bring a coat. *Puts scarf around his neck* Why are you so irresponsible? *Continues basically turning him into a marshmallow* You'll catch your death out here!

Sven: I'm cold.
Burt: Jeez, Sven, what do you want me to do, change the weather?

(Accurate representation of the types of couples)


Sven: My boyfriend is too tall for me to kiss him. What do I do?
Henry: Tackle him.
Charles: Kick him in the shin!
Ellie: Punch him in the stomach, and when he doubles over, kiss him.
Reginald: Dump him.
Burt: No? Just ask me to lean down.


(Listening to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer)

Charles: I love this song! Such a redemption arc for the other reindeer!
Burt: And remember, kids, bullying is okay until the person you're attacking is useful. THen you have to appreciate them.
Charles: *Hits him over the head*


Henry: I love the rain. It's peaceful.
Henry: And washes away all traces of murder.
Burt: You don't need to wash away any traces if you use an icicle as the murder weapon.
Sven: What happened to you to make you this way?

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