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san sighed after he glanced at his wristwatch. it's time for him to close up. after flipping the sign that says 'CLOSE', san went to switch off the lights and back to the counter to secure the cash register alongside with doing things that he always do. as he hummed a tune loudly, he was reminded with his small plan that night. san had waited hours for his shift to end and he finally could go home to text his newfound friend.

so, san went to walk until he arrived at his apartment minutes later. san made sure to clean himself first before flopping on his bed with his phone. his lips never stop smiling with his dimples showing . "i hope he's online now."


hey! i've finished my work
10:24 p.m.

that's great. are you home now?
10:25 p.m.

yeah. what do you do, btw?
10:25 p.m.

i like writing songs in my studio a.k.a my house.
10:26 p.m.

really? that's so cool! maybe you should let me listen to one of your songs?
10:26 p.m.

judging from your voice, you must be talented.
10:26 p.m.

maybe i should and no, my voice is just average!
10:27 p.m.

uhuh sure, let me hear you sing for a bit.
10:27 p.m.

what? i'm not sure..
10:27 p.m.

come on, just a little bit. do it for your new buddy.
10:28 p.m.

10:28 p.m. 

umm.. i don't know
10:28 p.m.

10:29 p.m.


san waited as he was told to. suddenly, he though that maybe he was being too pushy towards seonghwa. and that was when he began to panic. maybe he shouldn't force him to do it. but he just wanted to support him, maybe? after about five minutes, he received a new message from seonghwa.


it's not much but here you go.
10:35 p.m.



and open it san did. it was nearly a minute audio of just seonghwa singing. he listened to him singing with full focus. when it ended, san let go of his breath that he didn't realize he's been holding and covered his mouth.

what the fuck? his voice is so good and just perfect! how can his voice be this soothing? and why is my heart beating so fast right now?

san gulped and typed a reply to seonghwa. and then he saved the audio to his phone and kept on listening to it. each times, he kept falling for his voices more and more. it's just his voice, so san thought it's alright to fall in love with someone's voice.

and soon, he fell asleep with seonghwa's singing voices invading his dream which turned out to be the sweetest dream for choi san.

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