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two years later...

"seonghwa, are you done?"

san called from the kitchen as he was busy packing lunch for both of them. "give me two minutes!" he heard the other male called from his room. "honey, we have to go now! they are waiting for us." and by they, san meant their interview, the reporters, and their driver. san had moved in with seonghwa and had been living together for a year now. less than two minutes then san saw seonghwa walking out of his room.

"let's go."


san held out his hand at him while he put on his bag filled with necessary things to bring when you're a manager of a famous songwriter. he went to seonghwa and examined his hair. "you're not leaving the house looking like this, hwa. here." he fixed the hair until it looked better and stepped back with a satisfied grin. 

"now we can go." they both left their house and saw a few reporters outside. seonghwa widen his eyes as he stopped. "what the heck..?" san sighed and pulled seonghwa's hand to drag him to the car that's waiting for them. "you're famous now, hwa. don't you realize that?" he chuckled. they got inside the car and it dashed towards where seonghwa's interview was being held.

it's a radio interview, actually. seonghwa was invited to a radio session after a new drama was released with his song as the ost. his fame skyrocketed after the drama's release and he received a lot more requests for collaboration then. san noticed seonghwa's surprised look in the car and smiled. he grabbed his hand and held it tight. "why are you so surprised?" he asked while laughing.

"it's just," seonghwa began, "it's weird, you know? it feels just yesterday i started posting covers on youtube and now look where i am. and this is all because of you, sannie."

"really?" san widened his eyes at him. "why so?"

"well, after knowing you, i felt motivated to write the song that first got me here. because of you, i was able to write it. if you hadn't texted me that night then all of this would not happen." seonghwa explained while looking at san. "thank you, san."

san smiled back, rubbing his thumb on seongwa's hand. "no problem. i would never regret typing the wrong number that night. ever." once they had arrived at the radio station, they were welcomed by warm hugs. after that, the session began. seonghwa was asked questions about his success, what he thought of it, and a little bit of his background life. he was also asked about his next project and what were his next goals. 

meanwhile, san just stood at the side, waiting for him.

when suddenly, the dj asked one question that made san's focus went to the interview. "so, park seonghwa. i've seen that most of your songs are not about the usual romance that we see in everyday life. instead, it's something different. and a lot of people are beginning to get interested because of it. can you explain it further?"

seonghwa was quiet for a moment to arrange his words. then he spoke, "yes, you're right. i write most of my songs about homosexual relationships and how it's being portrayed in today's world. there aren't a lot of people who make this kind of song because some were afraid. a lot of people thought that being homosexual is a bad thing and it's a disgusting thing to be doing. and because of that, people who like the same genders as theirs, especially teenagers these days, are being treated badly. i wrote this kind of song to tell all those kids to not be afraid of who we are. we are all free to love. i really hope my messages in my songs could be reached by those who are facing this type of hardship."

"woah, what an eye-opening speech, seonghwa. may i ask you a question? this might be a little sensitive to you." the dj asked.

"ask away."

"are you perhaps a homosexual?"

seonghwa chuckled at the question which made the dj do the same. he was met with san's widened eyes who was telling him to think carefully before answering the question. then, he finally answered, "yes, i am." 

"oh really? then it's a bad news for the fangirls out there then. poor girls." the dj laughed and seonghwa joined in as well. after their radio session was finished, seonghwa and san left the radio station and told their driver to bring them to a hill for their picnic date. "you do have a good sense of place for a date, san." seonghwa said, watching the said male spreading a blanket over the grass. he continued again, "have you dated anyone before me?"

san laughed after he heard seonghwa said those. "seriously?" he put opened the lunchbox he packed earlier while gesturing the older to sit down and join him. "you're really questioning my past love life right now?"

"i'm not- whatever i'm hungry." seonghwa pouted, regretting himself for asking that question. san laughed again. he reached his hand for the rice but san took the container away from him. he frowned and reached his hand further but san just brought it higher. "yah! i said i'm hungry." 

"seonghwa." san called. 


"i didn't date anybody before. you're my first and will forever be my last. you got that?" seonghwa blushed madly and looked away to hide it, though failing miserably when san chuckled. "me too.." san heard him mumbling. "what? i can't hear you, hwa."

seonghwa sighed and turned his eyes to meet san's. "i said me too. now can i eat? i'm starving." san smiled at him. "look at me first." he told him. and when he did, san attack seonghwa's lips for a peck, surprising him. and then he gave him the rice. "here you go."

"thanks..." seonghwa huffed while again, blushed. they ate the food in silence, enjoying the view below them. the summer wind was blowing, caressing their skins as it did. they enjoyed the silence and each other's company. san was more than happy to live a life like this and to be with seonghwa at the moment. after everything he's been through when he fought with his bestfriend. he remembered when wooyoung called him one day. he told him that he was rejected by the bighit company but another company wanted to take him under their wings.

and from then, wooyoung has been a trainee under kq entertainment. as for san, he had been by seonghwa's side as his hardworking manager and his loving boyfriend. 



"널 너무나도 사랑해"

"내가 당신에게 너무 아기 사랑"


A/N : i am very well aware that the ending is quiet messy. fine, it's really messy in my opinion... and i'm sorry... i rushed this work and i'm nowhere near good with writing endings.

i'm only good at the beginning of the plot and climax. heh, i apologize.

anyway, this story has come to an end so thank you for finishing this book (and reading my notes here too!) i appreciate it. fr.

love yall.


i'm writing woosan fic now (heather) so... check it out in my profile. i just started it and i promise, i'll take things slowly. i will not rush my work again.

i hope so.......

kbye, see you in my next work!

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