thirteen 13

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seonghwa waited for another minute until he would call san tonight. it's currently 10:29 p.m. and san's usually free 30 minutes after his shift ends. after a minute passed, seonghwa dialed san's number but the other male seemed to be in another call. "he's on a call with somebody else?" he went to text the male instead.

before he could press send, san called him. "hey." seonghwa greeted.

"hi, sorry about that."

"it's okay, san. i've sent my new song to you to listen to," he told the younger who then squealed cutely. seonghwa could feel himself melt on his chair at the sound of it. "palli, i wanna hear your feedback." the call then was ended and after waiting for about five minutes, seonghwa's phone rang again. 

"so, what do you think?"

"it's fucking beautiful." with a sniff. seonghwa chuckled when he knew san began to cry. "are you serious?"

"you definitely did it, hwa. people will love it. trust me."

seonghwa sighed in relief at san's words. "that's good. i felt kind of nervous, you see. i'm afraid people will not like that kind of song..."

"what do you mean?"

"you know, songs about being homosexual is not that common in south korea. they don't accept people like us, san. we're a disgust for them." seonghwa admitted his everyday thoughts to san.

"uhh, hello, seonghwa. first of all, songs about being gay or lesbian or bisexual, etc, are starting to become a trend, you know. haven't you heard 'oh my god' by g-idle? second of all, fuck them all who don't like us. let's just focus on ourselves and be happy. they don't get to choose what gender we are supposed to like. don't you worry, seonghwa."

san's words suddenly seemed to have washed all of seonghwa's worry away in a matter of seconds. he couldn't tell how thankful he was to have san in his life. seonghwa smiled softly then. "thanks a lot, san. i feel better now."

"are you sure? just tell me if anything is wrong, okay seonghwa??"

"yes. i will. and you have to do the same too. i'd like to be the one to be able to listen to your problems as well, san."

"alright, i promise. the way, my bestfriend came back."

seonghwa raised his eyebrows, then finally remembered who san's talking about. "ah, wooyoung, right?"

"yeah. he called me today. i'm going to meet him tomorrow night at his place, doing some catching up. so, maybe i can't text you."

a pang of jealousy hit seonghwa in the stomach. and all the butterflies disappeared. why am i jealous? wooyoung is san's bestfriend, after all.

but it hurts. though seonghwa pushed the pain away. "no no, i'm fine. you go have fun with him. i'll be busy tomorrow, since my new song will come out and all." he received a pleasing laugh from the other side.

"thank you, seonghwa. i have to go to bed now. see you this weekend?"

"sure. goodnight, san."

"goodnight, hwa."

the call ended. seonghwa put away his phone, deciding to not overthink about any of it and focus on publishing his new song.

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