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seonghwa found himself driving to his hometown, jinju, that night. he received a call from his mother. he was told that his father had fallen really ill. before hitting the highway, he made sure to stop by at a store for some coffee and sweets to keep him up that night for a very long drive. though, he ended up in front of a convenience store he once visited before. when he glanced at his phone, seonghwa began to hurry. it was near 10 and the store is already closing so he need to hurry.

when the door bell rang, san put down the box he's been carrying and yelled out, "sorry, but we're closing already!" when he returned to the counter, he gasped. the handsome man from days ago was standing there. he seemed like he was in a hurry. 

"please, i just need coffee." the man said after inhaling deeply. san just nodded and went to the fridge to grab what the man asked for. "can you give me two of them?" san heard him saying and came back to the counter with two coffee cans. "here you go."

after paying, the man muttered a thank you and left hurriedly. san sat back down on his stool and sighed. 

he came back... but it was not the right time to ask for his number anyway. i'm so unlucky.

seonghwa entered his old room, feeling extremely tired. even though his mother asked him to visit tomorrow, he insisted and hit the road that late night. now he kind of regretted that decision. glancing at his alarm clock, it showed 2:46 a.m. he then laid down on his bed and turned on his phone. when he opened san's chat, he was surprised to see lots of text messages from him.


park seonghwaaa
10:04 p.m.

you won't believe what just happened!
10:05 p.m.

remember that one handsome man i told you before?
10:05 p.m.

he came back! to my store! but the thing is...
10:05 p.m.

i couldn't ask for his number at the time. 
10:06 p.m.

well, there goes my last chance i guess..
10:06 p.m.

10:10 p.m.

10:15 p.m.

why are you not replying?
10:16 p.m.

perhaps you're busy writing your new song?
10:17 p.m.

it's okay. but make sure to not stay up too late, alright hwa?
10:17 p.m.

night night, hwa
10:45 p.m.

i'm so sorry! something urgent came up..
2:48 a.m.

goodnight, sannie
2:49 a.m.


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