fourteen 14

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it was the last day of that week, friday. san's day continued to go on like usual. nothing much happened that day. everything was normal until it's 6 o'clock. 

"come on, let's get inside. what are you doing? palli!" san's head perked up at the unusual noise he's hearing. his eyes went to the entrance and saw five school girls. they looked like seniors. and looking at the time, san figured they've finished their school for the day. san's eyes went to wander outside the store, avoiding his gaze on the girls. it's not that he's nervous with people of his opposite gender.

he's absolutely, fucking scared.

during his teenage life, san never actually interacted with girls in his class. if getting eye contact from them for merely one second is counted as an interaction, he could count with only one hand of how many times it happened. and he had no reasons to talk to them since he realized he's interested in looking at males rather than females, while the rest of his classmates were more aroused at boo-

"why me? i don't wanna!" the loud shriek made san's head snap towards the girls' direction, who then giggled.

tch.. attention seekers.

san rolled his eyes and cringed. and that's why he doesn't favor girls. while he was busy attending to other customers at the counter, he noticed how the girls were taking more time than they needed to buy something in the store. "is something wrong?" san wondered and widened his eyes. what if it is? then i have to go to them and ask. aish! but should i?  he thought of leaving his comfort zone a.k.a the counter but decided to check the security camera first. his eyes caught the girls at the ice cream section where they were huddled together in a heated discussion. san sighed in relief. "fuh, they're fine."

then a few minutes later, the girls finally came to the counter to pay. which san normally scanned the foods they bought, his gaze avoiding their eyes. strangely, he felt five stares burning through him, so he raised his head a little to say the price. his eyes were still kept low. though he still could see them nudging at each others' arms. "uh, here." the girl in the middle said meekly and san took the money and returned the change. 

however, they didn't make a move to walk away and leave. and this made san panic in gay.

seonghwa parked his car outside the convenience store that's now one of his favorite places. he expected to see san just sitting around staring into nothing, but today seonghwa was served with a different kind of view. girls were gathering at the counter, where his possibly first love was. 

"...what the hell?" he walked slowly over the counter to investigate the situation. then he smirked. this ought to be interesting.

meanwhile, san didn't know what to do after one of the girls requested his number. "actually..."

"you see," another girl with jet black hair added, "this girl over here has been meaning to get to know you since you helped her one day." san looked at the girl she's pointing at. after staring at her for seconds, he finally remembered what she's talking about. one day, her phone was out of battery so san lent her his to call her parents. san pursed his lips together and mentally hit himself. if i hadn't helped her, i wouldn't stumble into this situation.

"so, mister. what do you say?" another brunette asked with pleading eyes. "do it for her, please?" san inhaled deeply while shutting his eyes. he had to overcome this situation either way and there was no running away from it. he opened his eyes again and opened his mouth to say something until,

"excuse me," the girls were surprised at the sudden appearance of another person behind them. by the time they turned around, their jaws dropped to the floor. san's eyes widen again that day when he saw seonghwa standing there. 

"aren't you girls going to let me pay?" the girls were brought back to reality and hurriedly made way for seonghwa. "we're so sorry, mister!" they said.

"he's so handsome what the fuck." "i know right?" "yall, he's better than the cashier himself, not gonna lie-" their whispers were quite loud for the other two males to hear, but neither of them cared about the latter. 

san looked at seonghwa who's looking back at him. his eyes then searched seonghwa's hands but saw nothing in them. "what can i get for you?" he asked, at the same time noticing the girls' eyes watching them. "sorry, but i'm not here to buy anything from your store." seonghwa leaned forward to the counter with a smirk. 

"then what are you here for then?" san gulped as seonghwa's powerful gaze on him.

"i'm here to buy your time for this saturday night. a date at my place. just you and me." san could feel his stomach doing the backflips numerous times as well as butterflies flying wildly in it after he heard seonghwa's proposal. "what do you think?" the male in front of him asked. out of words, san nodded anyways and earned seonghwa's wink. 

again, san was attacked.

"then i shall see you tomorrow night, mister." seonghwa turned around and paused to look at the girls who were watching the whole show just know. he felt pity for all of them, but remained to smirk smugly. "sorry, girls. he prefers di**s over pu***es."

and that, boys and girls, was how san's evening went. after the store was empty, san felt his knees gave out as he dropped himself on the stool. "what the actual fuck was that?" his ears were filled with the sound of his loud heartbeat. his mind was about to blackout.

damn you, park seonghwa.

san laid on his bed, unable to sleep that night. he glanced at his alarm clock on his bedside and it read 11:03 p.m. thank goodness tomorrow is his free day because he planned on waking up late the next morning.

but still, how could he sleep when the whole seonghwa-suddenly-asked-him-out-on-a-date in the most cheesiest way kept on replaying in his mind rent-free? till now, san's heart hadn't calmed the fuck down yet. he has never been on a date before, not to mention at one's place. at night. what if–

san shook his head with his eyes shut to get the dirty thoughts away from invading his mind.

you need to sleep, san.

san sighed at the thought. thinking he'll never sleep at the moment, he fluttered his eyes open. maybe he should listen to some music, then maybe it'll work. he took his phone and went straight to seonghwa's account on youtube. he found his songs to be the solution to his problems and it always worked. and

soon enough, he fell asleep with seonghwa's voices taking over his dream that night.

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