twelve 12

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san never felt this kind of happiness in his life before since he met seonghwa. it was a lot different when he started to get to know his first friend, wooyoung. he couldn't explain how, exactly. it just felt... strange but warm inside him. san always wondered to himself, is this what love feels like? because if it is, san wanted it to last.

it was wednesday noon, a time where the sunny convenience store would be really busy like any other days. and san was used to this kind of busy, where workers would come over to buy lunches and eat there with their workmates and teenagers dropping by to grab some candies and whatnot. it was tiring for san whenever it's afternoon, to be honest.

today, a group of boys who looked like they are barely 17, entered while laughing. san watched them walking towards the counter, where he was sitting. "excuse me, can you give me that?" the boy who was standing in the middle asked while pointing behind san. a cigarette box. san assumed he's the leader of the group. judging by their looks, san knew they were troublemakers. "you see," san squinted his eyes at the boy's name tag. "kim doyoung, i can't."

doyoung chewed on his gum while looking at san, getting a little angry. "what do you mean you can't? i'm not underage."

"and i'm not dumb. look at what you're wearing. it says there clearly that you're still schooling. " san smirked upon seeing the kid's humiliated expression. "kid, just go home." he said, unbothered with doyoung's threatening look who miserably failed. "wait till my mom hears this."

"so you're gonna tell her that you smoke? tell her, i dare you." san said again which made doyoung blush in complete embarrassment.

with that, he turned around and gestured his other friends to follow him to leave the store. "oh, and my mom doesn't care at all if i smoke or not! we're rich." doyoung shouted before he completely left the store. san's smirk turned into a sad smile. kids these days. i should text seonghwa.

seonghwa was busy doing some finishing touches for his debut song before releasing it officially on his youtube account. after he was satisfied with it enough, seonghwa opened his twitter account to announce his new song is about to drop. just as he was about to post it, a notification message showed up.

it was from san. seonghwa smiled upon seeing his name. he then tweeted his post and before he could reply to san's new message, the boy video called him- which he happily tap the green button to accept the call. san's (cute) face appeared on his screen and his heart just exploded.

"hey seonghwa! whatchu up to?"

"nothing much. i was about to post my new song on youtube." san's face was shocked but then turned delighted, grinning excitedly.

"jinjja jinjja?? that's cool, hwa! i'll be ready for your notification then. as of now."

seonghwa chuckled. "actually, not yet, sannie."

"eh, why?"

"i figured i want you to be the first one to listen to it."

the screen turned black suddenly and san became silent for two seconds. so seonghwa spoke again, "sannie? are you there bud?" then a sniff was heard and seonghwa widened his eyes. "a-are you... are you crying?!"

"n-no i'm not."

he heard san sniffed again and finally saw his face appearing on the screen. "sannie, are you okay?" he asked, panicking.

"i'm just.. i feel so honored, hwa. you know, i feel so touched right now."

seonghwa laughed at that which san too mirrored his action. "sannie, you shouldn't be crying! you have customers to serve. what if they saw you like this?"

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