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ugh i swear i'm tired of writing these text messages. i just want the spacing between each texts to be fucking even, wattpad!


san skipped his way to his apartment with excitement. he just finished his shift that day and also received his paycheck for the month. "woooo!" it's been a week since the accident of him texting the wrong number. but never did he feel regret of doing that as he had found park seonghwa.

and since then, seonghwa has given him more short audios of him singing. and oh how it made san fall in love with his voice more and more. or perhaps, maybe not just seonghwa's voices but his personality too.

is he in love with him? 


is it a problem?


san is gay, after all. so he has no worries. he proceeded to take his bath and then texted seonghwa.


10:13 p.m.

how was your day today??
10:13 p.m.

woah, you're early tonight.
10:14 p.m.

my day was just fine, thank you
10:14 p.m.

heheheh, i rushed home just to text you, hwa
10:14 p.m.

you're the source of my hapiness right now
10:15 p.m.

hahahah! really now?
10:16 p.m.

it's true, hwa!
10:16 p.m.

anyways, what's up with your friend, wooyoung?
10:17 p.m.

oh woo? ah, turns out he's in the states now. his father have works there.
10:17 p.m.

is he like your bestfriend or something?
10:17 p.m.

yeah he is. we've been bestfriends since high school, though.
10:18 p.m.

he's the only person i could share my dark secrets with. especially my sexuality.
10:18 p.m.

oh? what about it?
10:18 p.m.


san gasped quietly. he shouldn't have said that. he shouldn't talk about his sexuality all of the sudden. now that seonghwa asked about it, he couldn't lie. but if san tell the truth that he's gay, seonghwa might hate him.

and the feelings san have been developing towards the guy made him feel like he shouldn't say it.

but... if seonghwa's a real friend then it's not a problem, right? even if san might lose the guy that he's been crushing on just by his angelic voices, he wanted real friends. and san seemed like a nice guy.

so, san exposed himself.


um, hwa.
10:20 p.m.

10:20 p.m.

can you promise me that you will not leave me?
10:20 p.m.

of course i will not leave you. why
10:21 p.m.

the truth is.. i'm homosexual. as in, gay.
10:21 p.m.

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