seventeen 17

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san widened his eyes when he saw seonghwa in his room. feeling his body aching, he couldn't get up but only look at him. seonghwa was surprised at his hoarse voice and his puffy eyes.

"san, what happened to you? oh, dear.." he traveled his eyes on san's condition with full worry.

"you shouldn't be here.." san said and sniffed. seonghwa shook his head at him. "tell me what's wrong, sannie. why are you like this? did something happen? your phone has been off for days." san was about to explain when he sobbed. then, he began crying for the umpteenth times that day. seonghwa felt pity seeing san like this, so he hugged him tight and soothe him out.

"it's okay, sannie. i'm here for you. i got you.." san gripped his hand at seonghwa's shoulders as he leaned his face to his chest. crying softly for a few more minutes. after calming down, he inhaled before saying, "i-i'm sorry, seonghwa.."

"no no no, don't be sorry. please, don't be." seonghwa let go of san but his arms remain around him. "what's the matter?" san then explained to seonghwa about what happened the night when wooyoung came to meet him while seonghwa listened carefully. after he's finished, san said, "i don't know what to do... i don't want our friendship to end this way. i don't want us to turn to strangers because of this. i could only love him as a friend. to love him more than that just... it felt wrong."

seonghwa looked at him. "why so?"

"because i'm in love with somebody else and not wooyoung." san said slowly. "i'm in love with you, seonghwa."

seonghwa's eyes widen. "come again?" he asked san to repeat his words just to make sure he's not dreaming.

"i love you, seonghwa." san said again and when seonghwa was sure he heard it perfectly right, he leaned in to kiss san softly, who kissed back happily. a tear fell down his cheeks when he broke the kiss.

"god, i love you too, san." 

they held each other for a few minutes after that in silence as the music kept playing. seonghwa spoke again then, "what are you gonna do about wooyoung?" san wiped his tears with his sleeves. "i'm going to apologize to him. i'm the one who ran away without a word, after all." he said.

"will you be fine?"

san smiled bitterly. "i hope so." 

seonghwa nodded then. "but you have to do something about.." he scanned san and his room. "all this." san's room was darker, with led lights turned on with the color light blue. the curtains were closed shut.

"hey, sannie."


"have you taken your bath yet?"


"and for how long..?"

" don't wanna know."

wooyoung exited the bighit building. he had just finished his audition which he worked so hard on. however, he was stressed out at the last minute and didn't perform as well as he hoped he would. all because of that one stupid action he pulled off towards his only bestfriend. since then, only guilt and anger filled him. he was guilty because of what he did to san when he shouldn't. and he was angry at himself for kissing san that night.

he would do anything just to turn back time. because of his greediness, his friendship with san might just fall apart now. 

his phone rang then suddenly. wooyoung took his phone and saw who the caller was. it was san. he picked up and heard his soft voices, telling him they should meet in a cafe. ending the call, wooyoung turned back and sprint himself to where san was waiting. he ignored the people giving him looks and stares as he ran hurriedly. he arrived at an isolated park later then stopped running.

𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 | sanhwa ✔Where stories live. Discover now