sixteen 16

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"you don't have to follow me all the way to my apartment, seonghwa." san said.

seonghwa decided to send san to his home that day after eating. he had prepared their late breakfast while san continued to sleep. "but i just want to." seonghwa insisted while smiling. san grinned at him. "there's just no stopping you, is it? fine then." he went to open his door to his house and was about to step in when he felt his hand being pulled. he turned his head to face seonghwa who slowly pulled him into a warm hug.

which, san gladly hugged back by wrapping his arms around seonghwa. "i'll see you soon, sannie."

"you too, hwa." they both let go and looked into each other, their hands together. "i should go now. i have a lot to do and maybe i will be busy these days." seonghwa said, with a little sadness behind his voice. san noticed this and squeezed his hands. "as long as your career is succeeding, i will always be happy for you, seonghwa. focus on your future, okay?"

"okay.. but i'll try texting you." san nodded with a smile. "now go, you have fame to handle!" they both laughed and seonghwa nodded. "you're not letting my hands go, san" seonghwa mentioned and san blushed in embarrassment. he slowly let go then and saw the other grinned. "thanks for last night..."

and now was san's chance. he went to seonghwa's cheeks and planted a kiss. after that, he went inside his home, leaving the other stunned. 

seonghwa brought his hand to his left cheek where san had kissed. he blushed lightly and smiled. 

san leaned back to his door with a wide grin plastered on his face. to see seonghwa's startle reaction satisfied him a lot. he then went to take his bath to clean himself. after that, he laid lazily on his couch with his phone. his eyes widened as he just turned it on. 

there were 2 missed calls from wooyoung last night and this early morning. 

wooyoung waited for san at a cafe near his house. he had received a call from san half an hour ago, at 10 o'clock. which was strange and unlike san at all to wake up that late. unless san was busy, wooyoung thought positively. but what else could he be doing? he doesn't work at another place for the weekend, right? if he did, wooyoung would know it.

he heard the door open as the bell rang, so he looked up. there stood san, his bestfriend, and his crush. "sannie!" he raised his hand in a wave. san saw it and made his way towards wooyoung. "what's up, woo?" he asked.

"why didn't you pick up my calls?" wooyoung asked worriedly, but deep inside he's a little bit suspicious of him. just a little. "huh? oh, i was.. busy." san answered, though wooyoung could see right through him that easy. he leaned forward at the table to look at san closely. the said male pulled a confused face and raised his eyebrows. "mwo?"

wooyoung hummed. "you're keeping a secret from me, sannie." he concluded. san widened his statement. "am not!"

"yes, you are."

"why do you think so?" san asked, a little panicked. wooyoung smiled mischievously at him and answered his question, "your face is red, that means you're lying." he planned to make the older give in, which he succeeded when san huffed in defeat. "damn you, woo." he mumbled rather loudly for wooyoung to hear who laughed. 

"san, do you have a new job?" wooyoung asked.

"i was planning to." 

"then what is it?" san was quiet for a moment. wooyoung waited for the male before him for an answer. san adjusted his seat and finally looked up to meet wooyoung's eyes. "woo, remember the guy i told you about? the guy i texted when i thought it was you but it's not." when wooyoung nodded to say he remembered, san went on, "we talked to each other after that and we became close. and then he asked me out. i was at his place last night."

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