four 4

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oh my fucking god.
10:36 p.m.

is this heaven?
10:37 p.m.

your voice is so good!
10:37 p.m.

no kidding!
10:37 p.m.


seonghwa blushed a little at the overwhelming compliment. he never received compliments that good aside from a few of his friends. well, none of his friends knew about his career. seonghwa lived alone for a year now after he dropped college two years ago and moved out of his parents home the year after. the reason he left his parents? 

they found out he's gay.

he remembered his parents' disgusted reactions clearly in his head. and before they could kick him out, he left first the next morning. since then, seonghwa never kept in touch with them ever again. 

it's not like he hated them. he loved them but they always hated homosexual people. it's disgusting, they thought. so that's why seonghwa had been alone. he didn't trust people enough because he was afraid that they might judge him for his sexuality.

and they can go fuck themselves because seonghwa didn't not care anymore.

then what about choi san? that's the one problem he has yet to solve. he should've deleted his number when he first found out san texted the wrong guy. but something about him made seonghwa didn't do it and kept texting him instead.

maybe he felt lonely for too long and in need of a friend in his life.

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