eleven 11

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after surviving the most boring shift on saturday, it's finally sunday.

san swung his long legs while he was sitting on his stool. feeling bored in the empty store, he glanced at his watch for the umpteenth time since that morning. it's 15 minutes before five in the evening and san never felt the time moved so much slower than ever. he just wanted his shift to end so that he could meet seonghwa.

he thought about it since yesterday. even though san could still text him, he couldn't help feeling excited to finally be able to see him. what would he look like? is he tall? taller than him? san bet he looked like an angel, considering his voice already sounded like one. san smiled at the thought.

oh, how it's killing him that he has to wait for another quarter minutes that sunday. san put his elbow on the counter and rested his chin on his hand. his eyes wandered outside at the busy sidewalk. 

then suddenly, his eyes caught a glimpse of a blond-haired male. "wait.." san stood up and rushed to the window where he can get a better view. he gasped then when he saw the handsome man again outside. "should i go ask for his number?" san watched the man as he paused next to his workplace. 

he's just there, san. you can leave the store for just one minute.

san thought back for a second then nodded at himself. "fine. it's just for one minute. nothing wrong will happen." he turned and headed towards the exit when another man appeared standing at the door. san looked up and realized it was the staff that's supposed to work at 5, after his shift.

"yo, san, my man! where are you off to?"

san glanced back outside and saw the man is beginning to walk away. "johnny, you're finally here!" he took off his work vest and threw it to him. "i have to go now!"

"wha–? you–"

san ran to grab his bag beneath the counter and then rushed back to the exit. "thanks, bro!" he stood on the sidewalk and glanced right and left. when he didn't see the man from before, san groaned. "damn it! that was so close!"

"yah, san!"

he turned his head when he heard johnny calling him. "you left your phone inside. someone is calling." when san grabbed his phone from johnny's hand, his eyes widened when he saw seonghwa's name on it. and suddenly his heart began to beat faster. he gulped and finally accept the call "yes, seonghwa? are you waiting for me? you just arrived? i see.."

san made his way to a nearby unknown car to look at his reflection. "no, it's fine. i'm done." he made sure his hair is fine and his outfit is looking good enough.

"really? that's cool, sannie."

san blushed when he heard seonghwa call him with that nickname. he quickly made his way to the cafe next to the convenience store he's working to meet seonghwa. "how can i know which one are you?" he asked as he entered the cafe. his eyes began to scan the cafe and saw a few people inside. then, his eyes fell on the same handsome man he wanted the number of so badly for days. the man was on his phone and his body was facing san.

"oh, yeah. i'm the only blond in here. i'm at a table beside the window, near the entrance."

"blond?" there was only one blond man in the cafe. san gasped. could that guy be seonghwa? he wished he's right. he began walking towards him who's sitting by the window, ignoring seonghwa's next words on the phone.

"excuse me." san gulped.

seonghwa frowned when he heard san gasp. "why? are you here already?" he asked but san kept quiet. his eyes looked up at the entrance to look if a man is entering. there was one who already standing and staring at him, mouth wide open. which is weird, seonghwa thought. he remembered that face. it's the cute guy who worked at the convenience store next to that cafe he's in. he wondered why he's here, looking at him. does he know me? what's wrong with him? seonghwa watched the guy who suddenly began to walk slowly towards his table. mwo?

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