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Waking up in Trevor's arm it's so comforting, especially it's the person you have deep feelings for. As I tried to get out of his arms but I gave up because every time I tried to get up he pulled me even closer to his chest. I decided to grab my phone that was beside of me and scroll though Twitter until one comment made me sit up which made Trevor wake up instantly all I could do was stare at a rude comment that was posted on my wall and with just that comment led to millions more saying I didn't deserve life, and I'm a ugly bitch that needs to die. I didn't even know that I was crying until Trevor made me look at him. He took the phone out of my hand scrolled through my news and could see that he started to tear up, as he turned to me I paused and put my hands in my face and I just started as I remove my hands from my face I see Trevor typing I tried to look over his shoulder but he was to tall.

"Trevor what are you doing?" I asked with my heart skipping a couple of beats.

"I'm making this doesn't happen again." He says.

Trevor hands me my phone and look at my miscalls. I see that there all from my mom as I instantly call her back after a couple rings.

"Delilah are you okay!" My mom says almost screaming at me.

"Yes I'm fine. How's Lily?" I say a bit worried.

"She's getting better, so how have you been got any guy friends?" She says.

"Umm well yea his name is Trevor you would love him." I say looking back at him smiling.

"Hope you guys visit soon I better let you talk to Lily." She says

"Hello?" she says

"Hey Lily how are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm good and you?" She asked.

"I'm great it's nice that your feeling better." I say.

"Yea I got to go the doctor came in bye love you!"she says

"Bye love you to!" I say before she hangs up.

I turn back to Trevor and smile. I walk towards him and kiss his lips hard. Are lips sync and it was so perfect he pulled me closer to him and I could feel is hands sliding down to my hips. We both pulled away but we just looked at each other while my hands were wrapped around his neck. I could see that he was just has eye's on me until the door open. We both turn to the door and see Skye with Timmy they both stand there awkwardly.

"Umm me and Timmy are going to my room I just wanted to tell you that I'm home. Peace!" She says pulling Timmy to her room.

"Use Protection!" I yell laughing.

"You to!" She yells back before she closes the door.

I turn back to Trevor and I see that he's laughing and then he smirks at me I just roll my eye's.

"I don't think I'm ready yet Trevor." I say looking down at my feet.

He lifts up my head with his hand and stares into my eye's.

"It's okay I can wait." He says smiling.

He moves his hand to my cheeks and kissed me with passion. I was shocked when his hands moved down to butt. We pulled away from each other and we were both breathless.

"So do you want to get something to eat?" He asked.

"Yea just let me get ready." I said.

After I got dressed and applied make up. I walked out the room and see Trevor with his messy hair god it's hot. As I walk over to him he grabs my hand as we both walk to his car and he opens the door for me as he starts the car and we park in front of some breakfast place. As we walk into the place we head to a booth. As the waitress walked over to me and Trevor and she eyed me and gave me a dirty look. She look over at Trevor and smiled.


As we get in the car and leave the parking lot Trevor grabs my hand from my lap and intertwines are fingers he glanced at me than faced the road. My heartbeats so fast when I'm with him he just makes me so happy I hope his fans will understand that we are happy together and will be okay with it.

We pull up into his drive way and step out of the car we head to the door and his mom walks towards us and she doesn't look happy at all.

"Both of you get into the house!" She demands.

As we walk into his living room we all sit on the couch and I noticed that me and Trevor were still holding hands.

"Trevor you and your friend are getting close I know but I want you two to be safe and stuff and I was worried last night because you didn't come home and for now on I want you to tell me if your going to stay at your friends. Okay?" She says.

"Okay, and mom this is Delilah and we're not close friends she's my girlfriend." He said I just smile.

"Yeah it's okay just no playing around." She winks at Trevor.

"We're just going to go now." He says pulling me out of the living room.

As we made are way to his room we just sat on his bed we sat in silence until Trevor broke the silence.

"So Delilah do you want to do a girlfriend, boyfriend tag?" He asked.

I smiled and nod my head as he pulls out his camera.

"Hey guys its Trevor and today we are going to be doing the girlfriend, boyfriend tag and I'm here with my girlfriend Delilah!" He said smiling at the camera than me I just wave to the camera.

"So me and Trevor are going to ask questions about each other so lets see how this goes." I say.

At the end of the video me and Trevor said are goodbye's. I turn to Trevor and I see that he was watching his dogs Charlie and Tucker barking at each other.

"So Trevor what do you want to do?" I asked him.

"We could go outside." He said he grabs my hand and drags me over to the back door.

When we walk outside and I see a huge pool in his back yard and suddenly Trevor caught me off guard and picked me up and threw me into the pool it was so freezing cold.

"Trevor!" I scream as he reach out to help me to get out I grab his hand and yank him in to the pool.

"Delilah!" He yells.

"Pay back is a bitch Trevor." I say.

"Your so cute when your mad." He says.

Trevor grabs my waist and pulls me close and kissed me are lips sync and I wrap my legs around his waist then suddenly are kissed turn into a making out. Lots of thoughts running through my head and all I could think about was his soft lips on mine.

Hurt/A Trevor Moran FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now