Chapter 30

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It's been two months now and I'm still upset about my father and Trevor. Dave has no right to come in my mothers home and hurt me like that, but Trevor and the guys are here to take care of me at least. Since the accident Trevor told Skye and she won't even leave my side. I'm really scared to leave anyone now. "Sam come in here and get me the chips please." I struggle to get the on the high cabinet. He comes in and grabs the chips than hands them to me. "Thanks." I laugh a little as the baby kicks. I can feel it's little fingers touch my belly. "What are you laughing about?" Jc says with Sam. "The baby." I say it's finger I can feel them. Here feel." I say taking their hands and placing them on my belly. "Awe I can feel her feet kick." Jc says. She's so amazing. I can't wait to hold her in my arms.

After a while of laying down on the couch Skye, Ricky, and I go to the park and watch the kids playing on the playground. "I think Kian is going propose." Skye says blankly not even a smile is on her face. "What that's great news!" I say and Ricky tries to figure out her. "Why aren't you happy?" I ask and she sighs. "What if we get tried of each other and get a divorce?" She says and I wrap my arms around her. "Don't think of the of the bad, listen Kian loves you and your going to be happy together and get married do you hear me?" I say bossy. She smiles and hugs me back. "He never told me." Ricky says sassy. "I heard him talking to Jc about it." She says looking at Ricky. Ricky puts his hand to his chest and acts offended. I giggle than watch the sunset. Later when we get home I crash on the couch and put my feet up. I flip through the channels on the T.V. My mom hasn't came out of her room for two months now and I'm getting scared. I walk up stairs and see she's in the same position she was in two days ago. Lily brings her food everyday and I check on her when Lillian's at school. "Mom you have to get out of bed some day." I say and she keeps quiet. "Mom get up!" I yell pulling off her blankets that were on her. She cries and I feel tears "Get up can't you see your daughters are a reck without you!" I scream and Connor comes in the room. "Delilah lets go." He says trying to pull me out. "No get up!" I yell. Connor pulls me out and I cry. He pulls me in his arms and I wrap my arms around his neck. "Where's Trevor?" I ask in his ear. His hand goes up and down my back "Getting Lily from school." He says back. A minute passes and I walk down stairs and cuddle up with the guys an watch a movie.

"Kian got so scared during the movie." Jc laughs and Kian shakes his head like a kindergartener. When Trevor got back with Lily they had ice cream in their hands and she had the biggest smile in the world. "Hey you didn't get me any!" Connor pouts crossing his arms. "Sorry we are late we went to the park than the ice cream place." Trevor says taking a bite of his ice cream. "Jokes on you guys we watched a scary movie with out you!" I say sticking out my tongue because I know Lillian's love for horror movies. "We still got ice cream." She fired back while walking up the stairs eating her ice cream. I roll my eyes laughing and watch the boys argue over what movie to watch next.

"How about Unfriended?" Sam asks and I shake my head no. "Oh come on Delilah I know you want to." He begs. "Fine only for you." I say and Trevor laughs at Sam running to the movie player. By the time the movie is over everybody is asleep but me. I watch the movie over and over. Its really not that bad I might say my self. Trevor's arms are wrapped around me with his head on my stomach and Ricky is laying on my shoulder. Sam is leaning on Jc's shoulder both pasted out. Kian and Skye are sleeping on the floor an Connor is sleeping with popcorn in his lap. I laugh than put in a new movie. I get my self a cup of yogurt and eat it while watching "Nemo". Lily comes down rubbing her eyes and asks to get water. "Want to watch?" I ask and she nods. "But let me get moms breakfast." She says. I get out of Trevor's grip and walk to her and kneel down to her height "Lillian you can't keep taking care of her; she needs to get out of this faze and take care of you or your coming with me. She can't stay in her room forever but if you don't stop treating her like a baby then she will never come out." I say and she nods in agreement. "Now come and watch this movie with me." I say taking her hand.

As we walk back in the living room I take my seat and Lily climbs on Connors lap to watch the movie. All of a sudden my pants feel wet and I freak out. "I'm having the baby!" I yell waking them up. "Get up." I say standing up from the couch. "What?" Trevor says rubbing his eyes. "Babe I'm having the baby! Now get up now damn it!"I yell at him. We all pile in Ricky's Kia and make are way to the hospital. Whats even better is that we got my mother to come. "Fucking go faster." I scream at Ricky. "I'm going the speed limit." He says.

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