Chapter 32

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I zip up Maggie's diaper bag and see her smiling at me. "What are you smiling at?" I say kissing her little toes. I pick her up and lay her in the carrier and buckle her up. "Time to go home." I say taking her down stairs. We walk down stairs and Trevor is putting bags in the car. "Can you put her in the car while I get the bags from upstairs?" He nods and takes her from my hands. I walk inside and see Lillian sitting on my bed. "I don't want you to go." She sighs. "But I have to go home with the guys and Trevor." I say and she stands up "Can't you tell the guys you can't make it, they are all ready gone they won't know." She says and I nod no. I pull the suit case off my bed and walk down the stair with my mother. "Take care of Lillian; she needs you." I say hugging her. I put the last suit case in the car and get in. Trevor pulls away from the house and I feel broken but it's the best way to raise my daughter. I want to get a job and get a apartment.

We board are flight and Maggie stays very calm till we take off. She cries for a second till I make her take a nap. Trevor grabs my hand and intertwines are finger together. I love him so much. When are plane lands Maggie wakes up and yawns. We take are bags to the cab and drive back to Trevor's mothers house.

As pulled up into the drive way we grabbed our stuff from the cab and Nicole opened the door with excitement in her eyes as she sees Maggie in her carrier. "Let me see my grand baby." She says taking the carrier. I help Trevor put are stuff back in his room and unpack Maggie's stuff. I walk around the room and see a white crib. Nicole must of bought it when we were gone. "Thank you." I say to her as she plays peek-boo with Maggie. "Maggie's room is beside Trevor's." Nicole says. I walk down the hallway and open the white door beside Trevor's. I push the door open and see the walls are a light blue with flowers on them, a crib by the window, A dresser, and a toy box.

Arms wrap around me and lips that touch my neck. "I've missed are fun." Trevor whispers into my ear and traces his hand up my leg. "Cool it Trev don't want another baby."Blake says passing Maggie's room. I laugh than walk out of the room. When I walk into the living room Nicole is feeding Maggie and I have nothing to do on my spare time. I don't drink, and Im scared to leave Maggie. I take a seat next to Nicole and watch her say the spoon is a airplane than put it in Maggie's mouth. I sigh and put my hands to my face. "What's wrong?" Nicole asks and I shrug "Well I feel like I can't do anything any more since Maggie got here I can't be without her." I say and Nicole smiles. "Mother instinct, you don't want to leave the nest." She says putting the baby food away. I take her out of her carrier and rock her in my arms. "You should go out tonight and I will take care of Maggie." She says washing the bottle. "I don't know." I say. "Shes right lets go out." A voice says. I turn around and Trevor takes Maggie from my hands. "Come on please." He begs. I breath deep "Fine, but not to late." I say.

I put on a striped dress and some white heels on. After a while I put on make up than walk to the living room at see Trevor playing with Maggie. "Ready to go?" I ask and he nods. We give Maggie a kiss than hand her over to Nicole. We walk to Trevor's car and drive a hour away from his house. "Where are we going?" I ask. "To a club." He replies. I laugh as we pull up to the curb and walk into the club. A bunch of people are dancing and grinding on each other and there's flashing light, blaring music. We make are way into the crowd that's dancing.

Trevor's Pov.
After a while I sat down and watch Delilah dance on the floor having a good time she deserves it. I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket and I go out of the club to answer it. "Hello?" I ask. "Trevor sorry for calling you, but Delilah didn't answer her phone, but Dave is throwing things and he's drunk can you help?" Grace shutters. "Um yea sure I will be there in a bit." I say hanging up. I can't tell Delilah and ruin her night. I get in my car and drive to Dave's house.

When I get there I hear yelling and a crashing sound. I knock on the door and Grace opens it and moves to the side for me to come in. As I step in I see Carli and Luke are holding their ears as they sit on the couch. "Up stairs." Grace says kinda scared. I walk up the stairs and see Dave is throwing things in his office. "What the hell are you doing here?" He yells at me. "Grace called me." I say, he takes a drink on the whiskey beside him and tried to walk past me and down the stairs. I pull him back "The last thing I'm letting you do is hit her." I say. He pushes me and I stumble to the wall. I grab the collar of his shirt and make him hit the wall. As he punches me, I hit him ten times harder.

As I hear boots come up the stairs I get pulled off of him and put in handcuffs. What the fuck? "Sr. are you going to press charges?" The officers asks that asshole and he nods. They walk me down the stairs and told me this fucking rights thing. "No you got it wrong it's not him!" I hear Grace says. "The owner of the house says he came in without permission by him and assaulted him." The dick says to her. As I got pulled out of the house and put in a cop car. What is Delilah going to think? I can't go to jail I'm 18, I need to take care of Delilah and Maggie.


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