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            OUTSIDE THE PRISON, MAGGIE, CARL, ETHAN, MEL, AND MADDY ARE SHOUTING, THE walkers growl and snarl at them

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            OUTSIDE THE PRISON, MAGGIE, CARL, ETHAN, MEL, AND MADDY ARE SHOUTING, THE walkers growl and snarl at them. Rick runs out with a gun seeing them commotion

Carl says, "Hey! Come on!" The five of them each have pot or can making noise as they shout at the walkers.

Maggie says, "Over here!"

Carl says. "Hey! Come on!"

"Over here!" Mel yells.

"Hey! Right here!" Maddy shouts making noise.

"Over here! Come on!" Ethan shouts hitting the can making noise, to draw in walkers.

Maggie says hitting the can, "Here! Here!"

Carl shouts, "Come on!" They continue making nose as Glenn and Daryl set up bob wire, Michonne and Ash kill walkers. Daryl says, "Come on, let's go." Michonne and Ash get in the pickup truck and Daryl and Glenn are on the pickups bed. They drive up to the gate where Rick opens the gate for them. They all get out of the pickup.

Glenn explains, "They try to drive up to the gate again, maybe some blown tires will stop them."

Rick nods in approval, "That's a good idea."

Daryl says, "It was Michonne's." Ash catches onto the fact that he said ir with more weight.

Michonne says, "We don't have to win. We just have to make their getting at us more trouble than it's worth."

Maggie greets, "Hey."

Rick says, "Let's go." They all walk inside the prison.

IN THE CAFETERIA, HERSHEL, MAGGIE, ETHAN, AND BETH SIT AT A TABLE, AS HERSHEL reads scripture, Anastasia, Mavis and Rosa sat in another table listening to Hershel. Mavis grew up religious and while Anastasia didn't grow up religious, she knew husband was. Rosa grew up Catholic.

Hershel reads, "Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night. Nor for the arrow that flieth by day. Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness. Nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. 1,000 shall fall at thy side and 10,000 at thy right hand. But it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence."

The Watson kids sat in another table listening to Hershel, Anastasia and Luke's kids feeling sense of normalcy, their dad did take them to church and Anastasia went to accompany her husband. Rosa and Joaquin grew up very religious, their parents being Catholics, they had a baptism, first communion and their confirmation, like every religious Mexican catholic did, they couldn't complain about the flaw of their religion and outdated beliefs, of the church.

Herhsel reads "He shall cover thee and under His wings shalt thou trust. There shall no evil befall thee. Neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling."

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