Chapter 29: Effects

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Jennie's POV

"Jisoo unnie! I'm home. Why did you call me so suddenly?" I asked and they just stared at me worriedly

"No one saw you two right?"

"I think so? What's this about?" The first thing they ask is this? What the hell is going on?

"Take a look at this" she said, handing me her phone. I was confused at first, but then, the headline caught my eye.

"KPOP IDOL, KIM (Y/N) reportedly using illegal drugs."

What?! What kind of nonsense is this? He would never!

"Are you believing this? That's why you called me?" Really unnie?

"No! Of course not! I was thinking about your safety. Fans can get pretty wound up because of this stuff. And might I remind you that you are also a k-pop idol. Anything that the media sees they can use against you." She explained. She's right though. Jennie Kim!

"Yeah...sorry. This is not true right?"

"Unnie! Of course, it's not true!" Rosé just look at me in disbelief.

"How is he?" I joined them in the living room before asking.

"Shouldn't we ask you that? You were with him all day" What is happening to me? Kim Jendeuk gets a grip.

"Jin Oppa also called him. I guess neither of us knew about the news. We all know that he doesn't use his phone whenever he's with someone. Like how his nose scrunches whenever he's lying" They just looked at me with a wtf? Look.

"What?" I asked confused

"Umm...we don't know that?" Lisa said slowly.

"My my...looks like you do pay attention to him" Rosie teased. I felt myself heating up as I looked away.

"So issue aside...what did you two talk about?" Jisoo unnie pried

"Nothing much...."

"Tell the truth Kim!"

"Fine!... I said that I would like to give us a chance." I hid my face using my hands holding back the smile that's creeping up on my face.

All of a sudden, I could hear the girls jumping and squealing. I looked up and Rosie and Lisa were jumping around while chanting

"Our ship is sailing!" While squealing really loudly. While Jisoo unnie was just clapping slowly, wiping a fake tear.

"Calm down! What's the big deal?"

"Well given the circumstances, we thought that both of you won't have a chance anymore because you keep ignoring him...."

"And hurting him"

"And rejecting him"


"I get your point!" Chaotic indeed

"How about EXO lover boy? You gonna break up with him?" Jisoo unnie asked

"I wanted to...we don't seem to be working out. We're really trying, but I guess we're not meant to be together." Kai is a great guy. I loved him for a while but I believe that it is fading.

"Do what your heart wants. Now, give me time to be happy because my freaking favorite ship will have a chance. I am the captain by the way. No buts!" They began jumping and squealing again.

Seriously, do we look like this whenever we're happy? I guess we do.

As they kept on jumping and shouting, my phone rang and it's Kai Oppa saying that he's at our front gate. Honestly, I might have forgotten about that.

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