(ch.2) new life

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It has been three months since Ejirou left he still hasn't come to visit. Due to this Kat changed. He becomes hot tempered, he was explosive and ticking time bomb ready to explode. He was rude and didn't care about anything he pushed others away not wanting to make any friends he wanted his best friend he wanted Ejirou.

"Oh Mitsuki look this little boy has hair just like yours" a man with brown hair and glasses said looking at Katsuki. "Oh wow he does" his wife walked being her husband looking at the boy who's hair was similar to hers just less tamed. "He's cute too" she said. "I'm not cute" the boy sneered at her. "Oh fiesty....would you want is to adopt you?" She asked as her husband gave her an unsure glance which she ignored and turned her attention to the boy.

Katuski opened his mouth to say no but thought. If I want to find Ejirou my first step is getting our of here. "Sure" he said looking at his feet. The three spoke some more for about an hour before the couple went to fill out paperwork. He found out they we're unable to have children so they decided to adopt but didn't want an infant.

There was something about that woman than he liked and he respected and feared her a little. Though he would never admit it he was glad to have a family. He wanted to know what It was like. And he took a liking to this couple. They we're also the first to not be fazed by his rude tone or remarks. All other couples would go to other children once they heard how rude he was.

When he was called to the office they talked some more and he found himself opening up to the couple. He felt comfortable with them. He acted like they forced him too but he loved calling them mom and dad. As they drove away from the orphanage he couldn't help but think of all the memories they made there he still had his picture of him and Ejirou and he was determined to find him.

"Hey...mom" he asked from the back seat. "Yes?" The woman asked s smile in her face as she turned to her newly adopted son. "You said my name is now Bakugou Katsuki right?"

"That's right kiddo" "oh ok I was just curious never paid attention the first time so I thought I misheard" he said looking out the window then at the picture again. He already told the couple about Ejirou infact out of the three hours they spoke one whole hour was him talking about the black haired boy.

           ~°~°~°ten years later°~°~°~
                       •Katsuki pov.
"HEY KATUSKI GET DOWN HERE" I heard my mom shout from down stairs. "I'm coming" I put down the frame with the picture of me and Eji and got off my bed and run down. See I was a "hot head" and so was my mom so we'd argue a lot she'd call me brat and I'd call her hag. But most of the times it was just playful banter and as much as I hate to say it I love the damn Hag and my old man so much.

I've been living with them for so long it feels like I was thier born son not like I was freaking five when we met. We took lots of pictures and they also took some of my baby pictures from the orphanage they framed all of them and placed them in the hallway. I looked at one of my favorites, I remember that day.

It was about a week after they adopted me and decided to take me to the carnival. In the picture I was on my dad's shoulders with and ice cream cone in my hand and my mom walking with all the toys I won that day. That was also the my mom's favorite because at the end of the day when we got home in hugged both of them holding thier legs as tight as I could crying.

But they we're happy tears and when my mom picked me up and asked why I was crying I said. "Well because you guys are so nice to me everyone hated me because I was mean and the other parents said they didn't want me but you guys wanted me even if I'm mean sometimes and you love me and watch shows with me and buy me stuff and take me cool places I love you mom and I love you too dad more than anything" I cried. That made them both cry and we all just cried together happy tears though.

"What's up?" I asked walking down the stairs. "I need your help with dinner" my mom said tossing me my apron. I loved to cook it was calming and my mom loved it too so as much as we we're both hot heads we both loved to cook she taught me how and we'd make dinner together a lot. I put on the black apron that said 'your opinion wasn't in the recepy' and my mom put her purple one which said. 'don't bother the chef'

But as much as I love my family I still haven't given up on the promise I made to Ejirou all those years ago.

                           •Ejirou pov•
I sat in the living room with my mom. We both loved this show and never missed an episode. Everyone Friday, Saturday, and Wednesday night at six we were here ready to watch. Momma didn't really like it which neither of us understood. Once it was done we sat talking. Soon momma joined us. See having two mom's was confusing because well one was mom and the other mommy but when I got older I stated calling her momma.

See my parents we're suprisingly rich we lived in a big house on a fancy street with other big houses. It's not like I'm some rich spoiled kid or anything like that. Like I told the maids not to clean my room so I do that myself and same to my dishes and laundry.

Momma stepped into the room her long black hair that would normally be at her waist was up in a bun. She did that when she worked on dinner or something important. "Dinner is ready loves" she said smiling at us. "Thanks honey" mom said kissing her softly and walking out as if followed.

"Wow momma this is delicious" I smiled as I ate my food. "Woah calm down there tiger the food isn't going anywhere" Mom laughed.

I loved my mom's they were one of the best things to happen to me. Although when they adopted me I was shy at first but soon warmed up to them. Actually at first I hated them they didn't take me to see Kat but I was to scared to ask them. When I finally asked them they agreed saying if I wanted something I should have just asked them.

But it was too late when we got there we we're told Kat was adopted a few weeks ago. And they couldn't give us any information about where they lived or anything but she did tell me they live in the same city. As much as I appreciated the small piece of information I got Tokyo was a huge city how could I find him.

We spent a lot of time together and as busy as they were because I knew they worked so hard to afford all this they still made time for me. I made lots of friends like a few weeks after i gt adopted I met this girl called Mina she was super energetic she had bubble gum pink hair and always had these yellow hair clips in her hair. She was my best friend and I even told her about Kat. I had the picture of us framed in my room. I was going to find him.

Just because I have a new life doesn't mean I'm giving up on Kat I will find him and we'll be together again

       • Misterious person  pov•
" Ejirou Kirishima ha? How old is the boy now?"

"He is fifteen now Ma'am"




"He just graduated middle school ma'am and we don't know what high schools he applied for. Ma'am"

"Alright so go and don't return to my sight until you know and don't lose track of the boy he's the most important part of the plan UNDERSTAND?!!!!!!"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Well I guess we get to see sweet Ejirou soon" I laughed

Ohhhhh Misterious person who's after Kiri??? Oh alalalalalalalal I'm sorry I'm so dramatic ummmm I hope your enjoying it so far.

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