(ch 14) family legassy

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                           Kat pov.
The door bell rang and I rushed to answer it. I mean Ei had met my mom and dad but our parents only had small talk now they we're here or dinner so I was kinda freaking out. When I opened the door they all greeted me as I let them in They said hello and soon settled in the living room. Me and my mom excused ourselves to go finish up on dinner. His mom offered to help bit we refused.

I finshed what I was making and left my mom adding the finishing touches. As I joined the rest in the living room. I sat next to Ei. We made small talk until dinner. Everything was going well. No embarrassing stories yet.

"Wow you're cooking is amazing I see where Katsuki gets it from" his mom said. "Thank you dear" or mom's talked a lot about us and our childhoods comparing them and laughing. We all ended up talking for hours laughing I don't really know why I was nervous.

"Well we should get going" One of his mom's said getting up. "Oh it was a pleasure having you guys make sure to come over more often" the old hag smiled. "oh no next time we get to host you I'll look forward to it" she reached into her purse pulling out her phone and handing it to my mom who put in her number. "Well then see you soon thank you for having us" his other mom smiled.

Ei came up to me placing a kiss on my cheek "see you later Suki" he followed the two women out the door. This was a nice night. I smiled still feeling the warmth of his kiss as I went to help clean up.

"Wow our little brat is really in love" she said in a sing song voice. I turned red. "Shut it you old hag" I said with a small laugh.

                         Kiri pov.
I really had a nice night. As we drove home I texted Mina and laughed at the meme she sent me. As my mom's talked. When we got home we got into the house saying goodnight as we parted ways at the top of the staircase. I flopped down on my bed.

                 Princess Toga's pov.

"We should be landing tommorow then we can pay our long lost son a visit the next day give things time to cool down after we land. It's not everyday the royal family just flies in looking for thier son who was kidnaped sixteen years ago" my dad said.

"I can't wait then" I sqeeled as I shifted slightly in my seat. "Geze Toga calm down will ya" Zuko said from his seat next to me. I just huffed and looked out the window as we flew out.

                        Momo pov.
(Suprize! (Imagine it the way Deku said it) )
"Yayurozu please come down" my mom called. I went down the stairs to see her standing there my dad by her side. "What's wrong mother?"  I asked coming all the way down we we're not a few feet from each other.

"Well if you didn't hear the royal family will be coming in tommorow......." she trailed off and my dad continued for her. "They want you to marry thier son" I froze. I hadn't come out to my parents yet what would I do I love Jirou I don't wanna leave her.

"Mother, Father with all due respect I don't want to marry him please don't make me" I almost cried. My mother's face softened as she walked towards me putting her hand on my face. "My dear I don't want to force yo-" my father cut her off.

"Do you know how bad it would look for the family name If you decline and marriage proposal from the royal family" he sneered. My mom looked at him then back at me. "You will marry him and not disrespect out family legassy" I had enough all he ever thinks about it the family legassy.

"Family legassy..." I scoffed the both looked at me suprised. "That's all you care about. The family name this family legassy that. What about you're actually family you don't even care. What about your family's feelings no it's always just about the reputation. I'm done I've always have to be this good girl amaizing at everything she does. I'm tired of it. You are so wrapped up in your own legassy in your pride not even notice you're daughter was falling apart. I'm not marrying him because I'm already in love with someone else" I shouted at him.

I just run. Out the door ignoring their shouts for me. I knew Kirishima lived close by but I don't want to disturb him. I'd go to Jirou but she lives so far and I don't even have money on me or my phone

I run down the street to Kirishima's house. I know Mina lives here too but I'm not sure what house.
When I got to the door I rang the door bell and soon his mom opened the door. I couldn't help it I broke down in sobs.

"Hey sweetie it's ok come in" she smiled helping me inside. Her wife came from down the stairs her pink hair bouncing with each step. "I'll get Pebble" is all she said before turing around and walking back up.

The other lady led my to the living room sitting me on the couch. "I'm sorry for coming here all of a sudden it's just I run away and this is the closest place I could think of" I apologized. "No no it's fine do you want something to drink some tea?" I just nodded my head.

                               Kiri pov.
"Pebble there's a friend of yours the she's crying please come down" I quickly got out of bed and rushed down not expecting to see Momo there I sent a quick text on the 'bakusquad' group chat telling them to come over imediately it was a code purple and also telling Jirou to hurry specifically.

                             Jirou pov.

I picked up my phone and opened the bakusquad group chat .

Shark boi 🦈: Guys come over right now code purple Jirou especially you.

Soy sauce🥫: what? What's a code purple Minaaaa??

MamaMina💅: Shit code purple means someone's crying I'll be there in five.

Blasty💥: who is it? Ei?

Pikachu⚡: I'm on my way with Sero

Rockstar 🎸: be there in ten.

Blasty💥: Mina are you there yet what's going on?

MamaMina💅: it's Momo just get here now she needs serious cheering up Jirou hurry don't ask questions.

My hears sunk as I run taking the keys to my dad car. I drove as fast as the speed limit would let me. When I got there I nocited Denki and Sero we're already here.
I run in and Momo we sitting on the couch ice cream in her laps as everyone surrounded her.
"Why's going on?" I asked rushing towards my girlfriend.

"She wanted everyone to get here first" Denki said.
I sat down next to her and wrapped an arm around her and she leaned into my touch.

Not less than five minutes later Katuski arrived.
We all waited for her to explain. Even Kiri's mom's anxiously watched from the other side of the room

"Well you know I haven't come out to my parents yet and so today my mom called me downstairs where they we're waiting for me. I'm sure you all know about the royal family coming. " We all tensed she didn't know about the whole Kiri being a price thing. But we let her continue.

"They want me to marry thier son" I froze. No. "I had enough about this whole family legassy thing and lashed out at my dad telling him how he I only thinks about himself and that I'm In love with someone else before running out and the first place I thought of was here I'm really sorry again for intruding." She sighed hiding back tears.

"Oh no dear you aren't intruding we're glad our home is a safe space feel free to stay as long as you like" His mom said. "Yes Momo you can sleep here until you figure things out" Kiri smile at her.

I was till frozen they want her to marry some Prince. No she said she loves me. I hugged her tighter and his mom's left and soon ceme back with hot chocolate for everyone then said goodnight and left.

"Hey you know I'm also pretty anxious about thier visit" Kiri said we all looked at him concerned. "See apparently I'm thier long lost son" he sighed making her finally look up again. "Really?" "Yea I'm in being honest I'm teriffied they'll force me to go with them" he shighed. "Me too" Momo said a small smile on her lips looks like his comfort it working.

"Hey you know we won't let them take any of you from us" Bakugo said. As the four of us nodded in agreement. We all fell asleep on Kiri's living room floor.

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