(ch.7) tommorow?

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                             Kiri pov.
"Well my precious Ejirou have you ever wondered about you're birth parents?" The woman asked. I was so drained both physically and mentally my vision was all blurry. "ANSWER ME AND LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TLSK TO YOU GODDAMN IT" she shouted I felt the whip strike my body again and again feeling more numb with each hit. I slowly lifter my head to look at the blurry figure infront of me.

"Good now answer my question" her high pitched voice rang though my ears. "N-no" I said my voice so dry I winced at the sound of it. "Well you're parents are the current King and Queen. You the 'Prince' got kidnaped years ago and they've been looking for you everywhere.

But none of them we're as smart as me to look outside of the country." She laughed at the last part. I heard all the words she said but I was struggling to process it all. After it hit me. Did she just say I'm a prince? But not here because she said out of the country? Kidnapped? I had so many questions but not the energy nor voice to ask.

I felt my eyes become heavy and soon closed. I drifted off to sleep for the first time in what felt like the years I'd been here.

"I guess two weeks without sleep or a proper meal I finally catching up to him huh?" I heard a voice but it wasn't the same high pitched one it was deeper. But that was the last thing I heard before letting sleep take me away.

"Kat it's me" I shouted running toward the ash blond. "Who are you I don't know you you're just another Extra" he sneered venom lacing each word. I felt my heart break. Falling to the ground all I could do is cry. 'but you promised' I said between sobs. As I began to fall.

I felt pain radiating though my body. I opened my eyes to see what looked like a lady's figure infront of me. "Bout time you woke up you really slept for a whole 24 hours. anyway the human body can go three weeks without food so you better eat we can't afford for the precious prince himself to die."

Soon all my chanis were off and I had a plate of food on my laps. I was too week to fight heck I was having trouble even lifting the food to my mouth. It wasn't as good and momma's cooking I can tell you that. And I got a cup of water.

Once I was done she She took the plate and left not bothering to tie me back up. I just sat there too week to stand. My body thinner and covered in scars and bruises and lots of blood.

I sat there my head hung low.

Then I heard loud noises from outside. And shouting. It sounded like gun shots and sirens. "T-they found me" he smiled slightly.

I can't sit here and be useless while they fight for my life. It took all I had but I stood up. Falling until I landed on the wall. Pulling my body up again I started for the door.

Mom, momma, Mina,......Kat I'm coming. I continued until I got out. I saw a staircase and began making my way down. Then my legs gave in and I fell making my tumble all the way to the bottom. I hit my head pretty badly and blood was gushing out.

                        •Kat pov.•

The whole class was sitting in the common room. We all knew they we're going to get Ei again this time I hope he's actually there. We all watched Mina re-load her phone screen.

The she sighed reloading it again when it rung everyone jumped slightly.

"Mhmmm.....ok ok. I'm on my way right now" it was killing me only hearing her side. "Did they find him?" We all basically screamed as he hung up.

She nodded. "They did" nobody cheered because of her tone. "Well they actually found him hours ago and- " she picked up the remote connecting it to her phone and playing a clip.

A boy entirely covered in blood some spilling from his head. His hair a mess. He was in a ripped up blood socked version of our school uniform. One of the officers was holding his limp body. He looked thinner than when I saw him or all the pictures I've seen from Sero or Pikachu.

My heart sunk. And there we're small gasps and murmers from our classmates. I noticed Pinky had tears running down her face but everyone seemed so occupied talking or staring at the screen infront of us.

I gently put my hand on her back. "Hey at least he's ok.....can we go see him?" I said only loud enough for her to hear. She looked shocked but I've been trying my best over the past two weeks to get these three to like me because if I even want to get close enough to Ei to apologise then I'd have to get though them and they made it clear.

Me Pikachu and soy sauce are cool now they are the ones who've been helping me get to pinky. I get why she hates me. I broke her best friends heart and plus she blames me for all this.

"They said we can go visit him this afternoon.....but being honest I don't think it's a good idea for you to come along" she said. I was about to protest and shout at her but she was right. "Yea you're right I'll give him time and space" I sighed.

"Mina and those who are coming to visit Kirishima please follow me. Note not all of you can't come so I suggest only those close to him come." Mr. Aizawa's sleepy voice floated thought the room.

"So just confirming Mina, Kamanari, Sero, Jirou, and Bakugou are the only ones coming. "Actually I'm not going" I said keeping my eyes on the ground. "Oh ok we'll let's go you four." I watched as they followed the sleep deprived man out the door.

"Hey Kachan" Midorya came up to me. I wasn't in the mood to yell at him. "What do you want Deku?" He seemed suprised that I didn't yell. "Just know incase you need a shoulder to cry on I'm here" he said hesitantly. "I don't fucking cry" I spat at him.

"O-ok I'm here though even if you just want to talk" he smiled at me. "Whatever nerd." I brushed passed him. "Go annoy you're half and half boyfriend will ya" I said making my way past everyone and into the elevator.

                           Mina pov.
"We'll give you guys some time" Auntie Mai said wrapping her arm around her wife. "Yea just don't talk about the Kat kid he's kinda sensitive right now or even the prince stuff" she said before walking past us.

We we're led to a hospital room.  I hesitated or open the door afraid of what was waiting for me. When I opened it Kiri sat in a hospital bed looking out the window. He had banges around his head, arms, torso, and I'm sure they went down to his legs but he had a blanket.

He slowly turned to his head. I run up to the bed hugging him remembering to be gentle. The others soon joined it little group hug. "We we're worried about you" I sniffed. As we let go.

"He cupped my face wiping my tears. "Hey I'm here ok so tell me what did I miss?" He smiled. "Man I bet I have a ton of school work to catch up on" he chuckled lifting the gloomy atmosphere.

We talked and payed games for hours until Mr. Aizawa said we had to go back to school. We found out he'd be discharged in two weeks.

When we got back Bakugou was sitting in the common room. When he saw us he rose to his feet. "How was he was he ok?" He seemed truly conserned but I'm still not ok with him everyone else is they all warmed up to him. But he hurt Ei.

"He's fine we took pictures wanna see?" Denki asked. Pulling out his phone. He showed him all he pictures and when he came across one of Ei smiling brightly showing his shark teeth and eyes glowing. His face framed by his red hair which now had the black roots showing. I noticed a small genuine smile on his face.

                             Kiri pov

I was kind of sad, for some reason I hoped Kat would come see me even though he'd forgot a part of me hopped he didn't or that he found out and remembered all of a sudden.

"I really wanted to see you maybe tommorow"



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