CH 4 Zaliens, Pie,& Cloud Watchers

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Interior. Sonic Boom

Ally:(walks over with Kenzie to Austin and Dez, whom are playing on the xylophone grill) Guys! We finally finished the new song.

Kenzie: (sees what they are doing) What are you doing?

Dez:Xylophone grilling.

Austin:It's a way to combine my awesome music skills with Dez's mad cooking skills. (Dez accidentally flips a patty onto the window)

Dez:(takes the patty off of the window and offers it to Ally and Kenzie) Window burger?

Kenzie:No thanks, we're trying this new diet where we don't eat anything totally disgusting.

Trish:(enters the store in a giant cheese costume) Guess who got a job at Cheese out of My League?

Ally:Ooh, the high-end cheese store. That place is so much better than Cheese Just Okay. (turns to Austin) So, We just finished the song for our new webcast. It perfectly captures everything you're about. (puts the headphones on Austin) Listen. What do you think?

Austin:I love it!

Ally and Kenz:Yay!

Austin:(once Ally and Kenz are gone) I hate it.

Dez:Here. (gets a drum out that is filled with chili) Try it with my drum chili. (pours the chili onto the burger)

Austin:Not the burger; Ally and Kenzie's song! I don't like it.

Dez:Well, maybe my drum chili will help with that too. (pours drum chili onto Ally's music player)

Theme Song

Interior. Cheese out of my League

Trish:Thank you for shopping at Cheese out of My League! (her costume makes her bump into other cheese items)

Austin:(he is playing cheese equivalent of Go Fish with Dez) Got any cheddar?

Dez:Go fish. (Austin picks up a piece of cheese from the pile) Got any provolone? (Austin hands a piece of cheese to Dez; Dez bites it) This is monterey jack! (throws the cheese onto the floor) Cheater.

Austin:Sorry, I'm distracted. I can't stop thinking about Ally and Kenzie's song. The lyrics are so not me.

Dez:Well, if you don't feel like playing, I'm going to eat the deck.

Austin:I mean, check out these lyrics. (reads from the paper) I'm a sensitive guy, sad movies and sunsets make me cry. (stops reading from paper) I hate sad movies, and what kind of guy cries at sunsets?

Dez:Bye-bye Mister Sun. He won't be back until tomorrow. (starts crying)

Trish:Man, I hate this job. My entire uniform is made out of real cheese, including my underwear!

Dez:I wear cheese underwear all the time! I love it. I really feel like I can breathe in it, especially the swiss.

Trish:Why would you do that?

Dez:Because the goat cheese is too squishy!

Austin:Guys! What am I going to do? I don't like Ally and Kenzie's song, but if I tell them, it'll hurt their feelings.

Dez:There's only one thing you can do.

Trish:I never thought I'd say this, but Dez is right. Be honest with them.

Dez:(at the same time as Trish's last sentence) Give Ally a pickle basket and Kenzie a pie. (gets hit by Trish's cheese costume) Ow! What? Ally loves pickles and Kenz loves pecan pie!

Austin, Kenzie, & Ally season 1Where stories live. Discover now