CH 15 Film Making & Fear Breaking

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Interior. Sonic Boom

Kenzie is sitting next to Austin in front of a piano at the store. Though some may find the scene romantic, they're merely challenging each other's musical skills while Ally works.

Austin: Can you play this? (Plays an apparent non-descript classical music piece)

Kenzie: Oh, please. I can play that in my sleep. (pretends to yawn, and plays the same piece. Occasionally leaning into his shoulder.)

Austin: Can you play it this way? (puts one arm up behind his head in a standard rock star pose, and plays the melody with one hand)

Kenzie laughs with her mouth closed in a somewhat prissy manner. Then she picks up her cell phone and aims the camera at herself while playing the melody. Austin's phone buzzes.

Austin: (Reading Kenzie's text message) Yes, I can.

Trish: (Entering with Dez) Guess who got a job in Dez's movie.

Dez: That's right. I'm shooting my first big movie. It's about a giant sand crab that attacks Miami. I call it "Claws; ♫ DUN DUN DUN ♫!"

Ally: Ooh, Claws, I like that title.

Dez: It's not called "Claws." It's called "Claws: Dun Dun Dun."

Trish: Yeah, yeah. Who cares about the title or the stupid crab? My character's the real star: Girl #2.

Dez: Girl #2 gets eaten in the first scene.

Trish: What?!?!?! You didn't tell me that! If Girl #2 doesn't live until the end of the movie, neither will the director. ♫ DUN DUN DUN! ♫

Dez: Fine, your character won't get eaten until the end. But just so you know, I'm naming the crab "Trish." 'Cause it's mean, and everyone's afraid of it.

Trish: (Lovingly) Aww, Dez. That's so sweet.

Dez: (to Austin) You're gonna be in the movie too. You're going to play Troy - the handsome lifeguard who battles the crab and saves the town.

Austin: Awesome! Now I'm officially a quadruple threat! Actor, Singer, Dancer, and Ballooner.

Dez: and Kenzie the stage help

Kenzie (groans) I have to work

Austin tries to make a balloon animal, and it actually turns out pretty good. Except for the fact that one end is upside down, which Dez notices and giggles about. Austin corrects his "mistake."

Dez: And Ally. That leaves just one role left. The cute songwriter who works at the local music store: Sally. I wrote it specifically for the most talented girl I know.

Ally: Dez, I'm flattered...

Dez: Not you. Selena Gomez. But she's unavailable, so... do you want to play the part?

Ally: As much as I appreciate being your second choice, I can't do your movie. I have stage fright.

Dez: But you have to. We start shooting tomorrow.

Trish: I'll play Sally.

Austin: How are you going to play two parts in the same movie?

Trish: It's easy. When I was in middle school I played three parts in the same play. It was a modern take on Romeo and Juliet, set as a love triangle in Miami.

Ally: I remember that play: "Romeo and Juliet - and Lupita."

Trish: Oh, Romeo, Romeo. Where for art thou, Romeo? (changing to masculine voice) It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. (changing to a sassy latino woman) No te quiero cerca de mi novio!

Austin, Kenzie, & Ally season 1Where stories live. Discover now