CH 10 world records & work wreckers

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Interior. Mall of Miami

Austin and Dez are sitting at a table reading a book when Ally and Kenzie approach them.

Kenzie: Am I dreaming, or are you guys actually reading a book?

Austin: It's the book of world records! Me and Dez are gonna set a world record.

Dez: How about the world's longest fingernails?

Austin: Nah, how can we ever go bowling? Oh, here's one! Keeping your eyes open without blinking.

Dez: Ooh, time me! (stands up and stares wide eyed)

Trish: (walks up) Hey!

Austin: Shh! Dez is trying to set the record for not blinking. Nobody bother him for 30 hours and 12 minutes.

Dez: I can't go on, I give up. (dramatically blinks and puts his face in his hands) How long was that?

Austin: 8 seconds.

Trish: I think Ally has a shot at the not blinking record. (all turn to Ally staring at Dallas until Trish snaps her out of it)

Ally: Staring at Dallas, what? No, that's ridiculous.

Trish: Just go talk to him.

Ally: It's not that easy.

Dez: Sure it is. (in a high pitched voice) Hey Dallas! (Dez, Trish,Kenzie, and Austin hide their faces as Trish moves Ally's arm as if she's waving at him)

Ally: And apparently, I'm gonna talk to him. (Austin and Dez gesture to go) Hey, Dallas. Did you see that crazy story on the news?

Dallas: What story?

Ally: Which one were you talking about?

Dallas: I wasn't, you brought it up.

Ally: I know, right? Well, great talking to you.

Dallas: I've been wanting to come by the store and say hi, I just haven't had time. After work, I always have chores. Like today, I have to mow the lawn. It's the worst.

Ally: I can mow your lawn for you! Why would I say that?

Dallas: Really? You'd mow my lawn for me?

Ally: Yep, that's what I heard myself say.

Dallas: Thanks! (he and Ally go separate ways)

Trish: How'd it go?

Ally: Great! Can anybody teach me how to mow a lawn?

Dez: There's no time for that, Ally. I'm about to set the record for the world's biggest brain freeze. (sips smoothie)

Austin: Um, Dez? There's no record for that.

Dez: (stops sipping smoothie) Man, well, it's not working anyways so- (screams due to sudden brainfreeze)

Theme Song

Interior. Sonic Boom

Ally and Trish walk into Sonic Boom which is filled with storage boxes everywhere. Ally is currently covered in bits of grass and specks of dirt.

Trish: I can't believe you mowed every lawn of Dallas's block.

Ally: After I mowed his lawn, it just looked so much better than all the other lawns. I felt bad for them.

Trish: Well when you say it like that, it makes so much sense. (looks over at storage boxes) What's all this stuff?

Ally: That's our inventory for the entire year. My dad orders everything at once so he can save, like, 4 dollars.

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