CH 9 Deejays & Demos

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Interior. Sonic Boom

Ally:(Talking to a senior citizen trying to buy an electric guitar) Are you sure you want *this* guitar, sir? It's just that we don't sell many of these to people your age. (The man seems to take offense to this remark as he pulls down his glasses, which she clearly notices) 'cause you have to be at least 21, and clearly you're not. Can I see your I.D. please?

Old Man:(Grabs the guitar, mounts it on one knee, and plays an Eddie Van Halen-style guitar riff. Think of a short version of "Eruption," and you'll get the idea.)

Kenzie:(Awestruck) Will you be our grandpa?

Old Man: (Nods, and goes to put the guitar back on the rack.)

Trish:(Walking into Sonic Boom in another goofy uniform, doing her usual pose.) Guess who got a job at the Greeting Card Store? Here, give this to me.

Ally:(perplexed) Okay. (takes a card from her and then gives it back)

Trish:Congratulations on your new job. Aw, thanks. You shouldn't have. (pulls Ally down for a hug)

Ally:It was nothing.

Austin:(Austin and Dez come running into Sonic Boom full of excitement.) You're not gonna believe this. Dez, give 'em the news.

Dez:Um, sure. The mayor gave a speech today, there's a ten percent chance of rain, and in sports, the Dolphins...

Austin:No, not that news. I'm doing my first radio interview. Miami Mack from F.M. 109 is broadcasting live from the beach!

Trish:That's great Austin. Ooh, here. (hands Austin a card)

Austin:Congratulations on your first radio interview... (opens the card) live from the beach? I didn't know they made cards for that.

Trish:They make cards for everything.

Ally:(walks around from behind the counter) Austin, this is huge. Miami Mack is the most popular DJ in Florida.

Austin:I'm surprised you know who he is. I thought you only listened to dorky books on tape.

Ally:Whaaaaat? All the cool kids listen to Miami Mack in the morning.

Austin:(chuckles) He's on in the afternoon.

Ally:Uhhh, morning is what the cool kids call the afternoon.

Ally sits down with Kenzie to organize some instructional CD's

Dez:Ugh. This whole interview thing must be so hard for you, Ally,Kenz.

Ally:What do you mean?

Dez:(sits down and tries to help Ally and Kenzie) I mean you two not getting asked to be on the radio with Austin. Everybody gets to hear how talented he is, but it's like you're both invisible.

Kenzie:(grabs a CD out of his hand) Well, I wouldn't put it like that...

Dez:(interrupts her and grabs another CD) But not invisible in a cool way like a superhero. More like an uncool way like... like songwriters who doesn't get to be on the radio.

Trish:Okay Dez, we get it. Ally's an invisible, uncool nobody and Kenzie's unpopular. Now stop it before you hurt their feelings!

Austin:Ally and Kenzie's not invisible or unpopular. Ally just doesn't like the spotlight and Kenzie doesn't sing in public .

Ally:Yeah, because I have stage fright.

kenzie: and just cause i've never had reason to sing in public doesn't mean i won't cue butterfly song

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