CH 5 Bloggers & Butterflies

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Interior. Sonic Boom

Austin is eating a strawberry ice cream cone near the counter at Sonic Boom, when the ice cream falls into his lap. Instead of throwing the ice cream away and wiping his pants off, he decides to duck under the counter and takes his pants off laying it on the counter with the ice cream still on it. He then breaks out a plastic bottle of chocolate syrup and an aerosol can of whipped cream, pops the tops off of both simultaneously and sprays them on the ice cream, and after this pours some undetermined nuts on the ice cream and finally adds a cherry on top.

Austin:(excited gasp) Pants sundae.

Cut to another scene where Austin, Kenzie, and Ally are watching this incident on a laptop PC. The headline reads "AUSTIN EATS PANTS SUNDAE," with three exclamation points, and the scene changes to a piano at Sonic Boom.

Austin:I can't believe this is on the internet. I thought I was alone.

Ally:Austin, you know there's no eating in the store. And there's definitely no eating off your pants.

Austin:There's no sign for that.

Kenzie: There shouldn't have to be a sign to not eat off your pants.

Trish:(walking in dressed as a pirate) Guess who got a job at Pirate Frank's Fish Fry. Where every meal is a parrrty (removes her eyepatch) This is the worst job I've ever had. I smell like fish guts. And guess who my new co-worker is;

Dez:(also walks in dressed like a pirate) Ahoy, maytees! I just got hired at Pirate Frank's, where every meal is a parrrty. I can't wait to starrrrt. I can save up to buy a carrrr.... (Trish grabs him by the mouth with her hook)

Austin:Guys, we've got bigger problems. This blog.

Trish:Oh, I know that one. Miami H8ter Girl. She writes about everything she hates in Miami. She's so angry and bitter. I love her.

Ally:Well, right now all she hates is Austin. I mean look at all these embarrassing videos she posted.

Kenzie: (reading off the screen) Austin with broccoli in his teeth. (screenshot of just that) Austin biting his toenails. Austin checking out a girl.

Video clip of Austin fixing his hair on his way out of Billl's Surfshop before he approaches two girls sitting at a table in front of that store. He turns his head in their direction as he walks to our left, then bumps into a pillar.

Austin:That was so embarrassing. (Trish pushes a button on the laptop) Trish, did you just click "like"?

Trish:Hey. Funny is funny.

Theme Song

Exterior. Mall of Miami Food Court

Austin:I can't believe there's an anonymous blogger who hates me.

Ally:Don't worry. H8terGirl's website only has like 47 hits (Ally's laptop chimes to indicate an increase in the number of hits)... 112 hits... (chimes again) 1059... (chimes twice), okay, maybe worry. (she closes her laptop).

Austin:We've gotta find out who H8terGirl is. I'm performing at the mall this week, and I can't afford all this bad publicity.

Kenzie: Oh, I've got it. She's filming you doing embarrassing stuff, so don't do anything embarrassing (Austin shakes his head in agreement then smiles to reveal another broccoli leaf stuck in his teeth) You have broccoli in your teeth again.

Austin:(sighs as he wipes the broccoli off of his teeth) How does this keep happening? I don't even eat broccoli?

Ally:Maybe, you should do only good things, so H8terGirl won't have anything bad to put on her site.

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