CH 13 Burglaries & boobytraps

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Exterior; Food court at the Mall of Miami

Austin and Dez are sitting together at a table at the food court. Dez notices who he thinks is a girl that Austin likes at "Billl's Surfshop."

Dez: Don't look now, it's that cute girl from the bathing suit store. (Austin turns his head around) I just said don't look now!

Austin: When can I look?

Dez: When she's not looking. NOW! (Austin turns head) Wait, no, not now. NOW! (Austin turns head) Wait, no, not now. NOW! (Austin turns head) No, not now. NOW! (Austin turns head) No, not now. Now! Not now.

Austin: Ow, my neck!

The "girl" turns around and is revealed to be Billl himself, who waves an unseen person at the mall.

Dez: Oh, forget it. It's not her. It's that long-haired guy from the surf shop.

Austin's cell phone rings, with a ring tone of "Double Take." He sits in the chair and bops along to the song that made him famous before answering the phone.

Austin: Woah. Bruno Mars is doing a surprise show at the beach in ten minutes. Let's go.

Dez: Wait, don't you have practice with Ally and Kenzie at 4?

Austin: Oh yeah... What time is it now?

Dez: 4:30.

Austin: Well, I'm already late. We'll just work longer next time. Eh, They won't be mad at me.

Scene changes to Ally and Kenzie at Sonic Boom

Ally: I am SO mad at him!

Lester: (with a guitar behind the counter) What's wrong, honey?

Kenzie: Austin was supposed to be here two hours ago. And now she has to go the emergency Mall Association meeting. Everyone's freaking out about all the burglaries.

Lester: I know. Last week, someone stole a guitar pick! I-I'm just sick about it!

Ally: We give those away for free. 

Kenzie holds up a fishbowl full of guitar picks with a handwritten sign reading "FREE!" taped on it. Suddenly a man in a FredEx uniform walks in with a gigantic box.

Delivery Guy: Delivery for Lester Dawson

Lester: Ooh. Me-me-me-me-me. (the man places the box on the counter and give him an electronic keypad to sign)

Delivery Guy: It's funny: When the guy at the coffee shop gives you coffee, and he gets a tip. And, how heavy is a cup of coffee? Not as heavy as all these boxes I carry.

Lester: You know right, you're right. It's not fair! You should get a job at the coffee shop.

Lester slaps him five. The delivery guy leaves with disappointment.

Kenzie: What'd you get?

Lester: A little something to help me catch the mall thief. A state of the art security camera.

The camera turns out to be old, and covered in dust and cobwebs. It looks like it hasn't been used since the 1980's at the very newest. Lester blows some of the dust off.

Ally: State of the art in what century? (coughs from the dust)

Lester: I'm going to go set this up. Would you please put that new guitar in the display case?

She does so, as Lester walks upstairs with the antique security camera. Cut to Trish walking into the frond door with a winter hat, scarves, and other accessories more appropriate for Boston than Miami.

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