CH 17 Everglades & Allygators

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Interior. Sonic Boom

Austin:Last day of school! I'm officially on summer vacation!


Austin:I'm so pumped for summer break. I'm gonna chill at the beach all day and rock out all night. Woo-hoo!

Ally:I'm pumped too. I'm gonna chill at the library all day and teach myself calculus all night. Woo-hoo!

Kenzie: I'm gonna Dance and sing  everday Woo-hoo!

Dez:I have to make a documentary this summer for my film class. I just have to figure out what it's about. Woo-hoo!

Trish:Make it about me. Woo-hoo!

Dez:Eh, I don't know.

Trish:I'm sorry. I used the wrong tone. (angrily) Make it about me. Woo-hoo!

Shiny Money:Austin Moon and Kenzie Dawson!

Kenzie:Shiny Money.

Austin:Hey, we haven't seen you since we performed together at the Internet Music Awards.

Shiny Money:That was so cool, up until two of your friends broke my arms and legs.

Trish:I'm surprised you remember the whole us-not-catching-you thing. You hit your head pretty hard on that stage.

Ally:So, Shiny, what brings you here?

Shiny Money:Throwing my annual Swamp Blast party in the Everglades this weekend. I want Austin and Kenzie to perform.

Austin:Are you kidding? You want me to perform at the Swamp Blast? That's huge.

Dez:We watch Swamp Blast on TV every year.

Shiny Money:Yeah. Yeah, this year it's gonna be popping!

Ally:Ooh, we should pop out a bumping new jam. Or I could just write a new song.

Shiny Money:You should come to the houseboat early. You can write the song there and get a little vacation too. And I'll let you use my shiny solid-gold keyboard.

Austin:Awesome! I've always wanted to go to the Everglades. And play a shiny gold keyboard.

Trish:And now the four of us can finally have a vacation together!

Shiny Money:You're not invited.

Dez:Ha! In your face, Trish.

Shiny Money:You're not invited either.

Dez:Ha! In my face, Trish.

Ally:But Dez and Trish are a part of our team.

Austin:Yeah, it would mean a lot for all of us to spend our vacation together. Please let them come.

All:Please, please, please, please, please, please, please.

Shiny Money:Okay, fine! Just stop talking at the same time.

All:Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Shiny Money:What did I just say?

All:Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.

Theme song

Exterior. The Everglades. Shiny Money's house boat.

Dez:A group of friends went on vacation, hoping to have the time of their lives. How do you feel, Austin?

Austin:This place is awesome! I feel like the weight of the world is off my shoulders.

Austin, Kenzie, & Ally season 1Where stories live. Discover now