CH 12 Soup & Stars

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Interior. Sonic Boom.

Austin and Dez are playing a giant guitar.

Ally: What are you doing?

Austin: Shooting a commercial for Sonic Boom.

Kenzie: My uncle is paying you to shoot a commercial? In real money? 'Cause I got chicken fingers for allowance last week.

Dez: I'm doing it for free. I'm hoping when other stores see it, they'll pay me to shoot their commercials.

Trish: Whoa, you're actually doing work free? You're supposed to get pay not to work. Have I taught you nothing?

Ally: So what's up with the huge guitar?

Dez: Every director needs a "thing". My "thing" is giant props and the splits. Okay, maybe just giant props.

Ally: My thing is twitting. That's right, I join tweeter. Ever heard of it?

Trish: You're just joining tweeter now?

Ally: Yep, Ally Dawson is officially a passenger on a train? All aboard. A-woot woot!

Austin: Ally. The tweeter train left the station about two years ago. And apparently, it left you stranded there.

Ally: Well, I got on this week, And I'm already up to 11 followers.

Dez: Austin just got 3,000 followers and Kenzie just got 1,500 on insta.

Ally: This week?

Dez: This morning.

Ally: I don't get it. I post really great twits.

Trish: Let me see. "The radiant glow of a friendly smile Will warm a heart for a million miles"? Is this a twit or your English paper?

Ally: What are you talking about?

Trish: Twits are supposed to be silly and fun.

Austin: You put way too much thought into your twits. Here, check out what I posted when I was eating pancakes with Dez.

Ally: "Eating pancakes with Dez."

Kenzie: and i just post pics of myself and my friends

Austin: See? no thought.

Ally: All right, let me try something fun. "Chilling at sonic boom with my buds." "There is nothing more important than the moments you share with your friends." Twit! Hey, I just lost three followers.

Theme Song

Interior. Sonic Boom.

Trish: Guess who got a job at Suzy's Soups? You'll never guess who the owner is.

Kenzie: Wait, don't tell me--someone named Suzy?

Trish: It's Miss Suzy, our elementary school music teacher.

Ally: No way! I loved Miss Suzy. She's a big reason why I start to take music seriously.

Trish: She's a big reason why I started to take naps in class. She was so boring.

Kenzie: So Miss Suzy's not teaching anymore?

Trish: No, she's retired, But she still acts like a third grade teacher. She gives us gold stars for doing good work And instead of breaks, she gives us recess.

Ally: Ah, recess. Nothing better than curling up in the library with a good book, huh? (kenzie nods along) What? we hated the playground. I was always getting nailed in the head with a dodge ball and she just doesn't like running.

Austin, Kenzie, & Ally season 1Where stories live. Discover now