Hamilton: impatient kid that harassed you for the swings at recess
Lafayette: the kid that went "oooooooooh" when someone got called to the principals office
Seabury: sat in front of the slide and went "password"
King George: made up crazy lies to get attention
Philip: cried If he had to move his clip to red
Mulligan: hogged the swings for all of recess
Burr: you played with him once at recess and he now thinks your best friends
Madison: I don't wanna play with you anymore
Jefferson: fake snored as loud as he could during nap time
Laurens: had to be moved to a separate desk because he never shut up
Eliza: always had fast food
Lee: shit or pissed their pants
Angelica: crap is a bad word!
And now, a real quote from one of my sisters old classmates: "my mom says oh snap-a-turtle!"Peggy: you're not invited to my birthday party
Washington: the teacher that made you walk laps at recess if you misbehaved