I don't know what the fuck middle school was but I hated it the 8th grade formal is my only good memory 💀
Philip: sometimes I would say I was gonna fight people but I wasn't actually going to because I was too scared to fight people but I guess thought I was tough 💀
Seabury: in 6th and 7th grade everyone accused me of writing in the bathroom stalls when it wasn't me I literally have no idea why they thought it was me
Jefferson: In 6th I always wanted to dab when I sneezed because I thought I would look cool 😬 yeah Ik it was early 2017 though so yeah
Washington: my class was apparently so bad for a sub once we made her consider never working at that school again 💀💀It could've been the other class that made her like that but idk I didn't like her anyway so I didn't care
Madison: in 7th grade I fell asleep during class one time and almost did in another the same day so the teacher made me stand
Lee: they put some furry drawing that looks like it came straight off of deviant art for the yearbook cover when I was in 8th grade
Hamilton: I cried in 6th grade when I got a C it was a 77 too what the fuck 💀Peggy: people used to think I was in 6th grade when I was actually in 8th grade
Eliza: I was walking around at my 8th grade formal and someone said that me and some boy who was standing there would make a good couple and we just awkwardly looked at each other and walked away it was so fucking awkward 😓
Maria: I was doing an assignment in silent lunch one day in 7th grade and my class left me behind for like 10 minutes until I realized my class had left 😗
Laurens: i dont even remember why but someone owed me 65 dollars by the end of 7th grade and I never got the money because he changed schools
King George: my mom would piss me off sometimes before school and I'd plan to go to school mad
Angelica: The only time in middle school I ever cared what people thought of me was in 6th grade and that was only because every time we went back to school shopping my mom would ask my sister if something was "cool for middle school" and it pissed me off so much and I was scared for anyone to find out I still liked playing with dolls and I watched my little pony because I thought I would get bullied because those things "weren't cool" (I was 10 in 6th grade btw, those are normal things for 10 year olds to like) like it was their fault I was worried about that if they hadn't been like that I wouldn't have cared
Burr: in my 6th grade math EOG, in the calculator active part I was able to do most of them just on the calculator so I only had to write a few down and my teacher didn't like that so she made me write down more and said "Carolina wrote down 31 problems" I dont give a fuck about what Carolina did bitch