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Lee Suyeon Ashlyn's eyes shot open as she gasped for air. 

Pain could no longer be felt as she sat up straight and looked around. There was no traces of blood or a ghostlike figure of her former lover and friend beside her. 

She was in a white room wearing white clothes, not the last thing she had seen or worn before she 'died'. 

Standing up, she looked around puzzled. 

This was not what she had been expecting when she supposedly died. 

Was she even dead?

"Ms. Lee." 

"Ashlyn." the girl replied, almost on instinct. 

She then turned around, realizing she just heard a voice from nowhere. 

At the sight of an almost perfect looking man, she felt a little flustered before remembering she already loved someone deeper than the whole galaxy. 

"Where am I?" she asked when the perfect man remained silent. 

"Hmm where do you think you are?" he asked, a twinkle in his eye as he gave a small smile. 

"I..I don't know. That's why I asked." the girl replied, a bit confused with the male's strange behaviour. 

The man gave her another smile and let a few seconds of silence pass before speaking. 

"You are between life and death."

A small gasp was heard from Ashlyn although a small part of her already knew she wasn't alive. 

"What do you mean?" she asked, fearful for the answer. 

"You, Ms. Lee-"

"Ashlyn." she interrupted, again on impulse, and then quickly shut up, wanting the man to explain what was going on. 

"Ashlyn." he smiled again, teeth shining white like pearls. 

"You should have died. You were stabbed and left in a very critical condition." 

Now his smile was starting to bother her. 

She was lost, confused, curious, and just wanted to know what in the world happened. 

"Then why aren't I dead?"

Silence passed once again before the man's smile disappeared and a serious expression took over his face. 

"Because fate doesn't want you dead, not yet." he replied, leaving the girl even more confused.


"You have had a very difficult life Lee Ashlyn. Spending your childhood in a house that didn't feel like home and with a man who didn't act like a father, the universe pitied you."

'I don't need your pity.' Ashlyn thought but decided to hold her tongue. 

"I know you don't need our pity."

Holy crap- Can he read my mind or something?

"Yes I can read your thoughts."

At the sight of Ashlyn's shocked face, the man chuckled, a dimple forming on his left cheek. 

"Although in the end justice was served for the death of Kim Sunwoo, 3 lives were unnecessarily lost."

"Three?" Ashlyn asked with a frown. 

"Yes, three. You, Kim Sunwoo, and Kevin Moon."

For a second, Ashlyn had forgotten about her former best friend, the man who murdered the love of her life. 

A disappointed and angry feeling settled in her body but she did her best to ignore. Now wasn't the time to think about Kevin. 

"So what?" she finally asked when the man didn't speak anymore. 

"The universe has decided to give you another chance."

At his words, Ashlyn stiffened. 

"What are you talking about?" she voiced, feelings she couldn't understand racing through her. 

"Hmm time travel?" the man smirked.

Ashlyn blinked. 

Did he just say time travel-

"Yes, time travel." 

Damn I keep forgetting he can read my mind. 

Deciding to ignore her thoughts, the man spoke again. As much as he didn't need to care, he also didn't want to leave Ashlyn alone and confused.

"We are giving you a chance to go back, back before you met any of these people. We are giving you a chance to do everything again...maybe even save his life."

At the thought of saving her lover's life, she looked up at the man again, eyes wide but determination slowly leaking into her. 

"For Sunwoo, anything." she said confidently. 

The man let out a small laugh. 

"Yes yes I know. The love between you two is very impressive, that's why fate is giving you this rare chance."

Ashlyn took a breath before slowly nodding. 

"There is only one rule, don't tell anyone you're from the future or what happens in the future." the man said before giving a small wink. 

He then turned around and started to walk away but then Ashlyn called him to wait, suddenly realizing something. 

"What's your name?" she asked him. 

He looked a little surprised at first but then grinned, his dimple forming on his left cheek again before mysteriously disappearing. 

Ashlyn, startled by watching a man literally disappear in thin air, started looking around panicked. 

The man didn't tell her how to get out of here or actually travel back in time, even if that was possible. 

Taking more breaths, she started walking around but then froze when she felt a pain in her stomach, exactly where she had been stabbed. 

Gasping, she looked down and fell at the sight of blood slowly soaking through the white fabric of her clothes. 

"What the hell!" she yelled, the corner of her eyes tearing as pain started to return.

And then everything went black. 

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