The Princes Come

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So sorry guys, I have been concentrating on my other fanfics for awhile. This will be the last chapter of this story! I hope you guys enjoyed it! I will continue this story, but I will write one shots and the updates won't be as frequent, as I'm starting Highschool!! ENJOY!

Clarissa and Beatrice filed into the hall, after all the other Evergirls, waiting for the Welcoming Ceremony to begin.

As they sat down in the pews, Clarissa began to notice the decorations. Her mother was right. They were quite pretty. She began to admire all the flower wreaths, crystal chandeliers, and other decorations that adorned the walls around her and roofs hanging above her.

Beatrice seemed brimming with excitement at something. Her fingers were twitching and she squeezing her palms together, and rubbing her hands over each other a sign that she was terrifically nervous and slightly terrified. 

Clarissa was trying to figure out what shapes the chandelier had been carved into, and had tossed and turned some suggestions in her head. But she noticed Beatrice out of the corner of her eye, and feeling she owed her, for making her feel calmer and more comfortable she felt she must talk to her about what was worrying her. 

(A/N So you guys are probably going "She sounds like a weird human." But you've probably done it too. Do you remember any time that you had just gone to bed, and you needed to tell your parents or someone some information but you kinda wanted to go to sleep, but in the end you couldn't sleep because your mind kept persuading you to do it, so you got out of bed and told whoever? If you haven't you'll never understand, sorry for ranting.)

But that situation was lethal. It was like providing kindling and matches to a Pyromaniac in a camping trips in the wood and telling them not to light a thing, for her mind. Her thoughts began having a gigantic fight in her head with many being tossed around. Eventually, she composed herself, and asked Bea what she was worried about.

"Princes, know roses...and stuff." She mumbled, her blushing face in her hands.

Clarissa immediately felt her stomach drop. 

How had she not remembered the princes?!!

Chaddick hadn't given her a rose last year, because, well, they hadn't really known they'd liked each other that much.

Since Chaddick's first year, his popularity had skyrocketed... and, oh if Chaddick gave her a rose, she was basically declaring her own death sentence!

Not that she read that trashy and sensationalised magazine, but Chaddick was famous in the Royal Rot magazine and had girls drooling all over him. He was a celebrity! So was she, but no one had any crushes on her! If he threw the rose to someone like her, every girl would hate the ground she stood on, and she'd face endless judgement and trials. And after a year so smooth and calm as last year, she didn't want this much stress as things got harder!

She began to sweat.

What if he doesn't throw you the rose to be kind? Clarissa's doubtful voice whispered. 

That wouldn't happen because when it comes to love, boys charm and express, not hold back and/or think, Clarissa's logical, confident voice reassured.

Her sweat became even worse when Pollux and Castor came, knowing that in about ten minutes the boys would be here.

And then they were.

All the boys she knew battled and battled until there was one winner. One true king. (A/N Ring any bells? Haha! Sorry this is probably annoying.) And everyone knew who it was.

In case you haven't realised, it was Chaddick. If Clarissa and him were alone on the hillside next to his house where he trained, she would've cheered and whistled and pretended to be a spectator, laughing the whole time. 

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