A Human who Understands

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I know what you're going through. I know how this world has not been kind to you.

I know how you just wanna escape this reality and just wanna live in your own make believe world.

I know how when people say, "It's gonna be alright". But you know it isn't. It never will be.

I know how they say that sky full of stars but when you look at it all you see is black void empty space that has been nothing but the reflection of your own conscience.

I know how you just want everyone to understand you, which they aren't. I know you ask this question everyday, Why Me? Out of 7.8 Billion people why me?

I know it makes you awake at night, you stare at blank spaces, you just want this to end.

But I know this too that you are strong. I know you are beautiful. I know you are powerful. I know you can do it.

I know you will, because I have trust in you. Out of those 7.8 Billion people only you have that immense strength to face it. I know you're worthy enough to face it. I know you can, I know you will, I know this too shall pass and you will come out as winner, victor, numerouno.

You know, I love you, he loves you, she loves you, they love you, everyone loves you. You are the best, you are our knight in shining armour, you are the sun light that reaches earth, you are that tune which Beethoven, Mozart used to play.

You are that one person whom we can trust. Just stay strong. You're the best thing that could ever happen to anyone. Take a deep breath, think of your favourite color, eat your favourite snack, read your favourite book, watch your favourite movie, go out with friends, drink. Cherish these moments. It's going to be Okay

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