Day 2

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    I woke up, my eyes sting, not from the sunlight that got through the window but due to me crying a lot yesterday.

   My eyes wandered around my old room. I just came back in my old apartment, there's no way in hell that I will stay at my ex's shared apartment.

  I felt a hurtful squeeze inside me as I felt alone again, I stared at my phone that is silently lying on my lap, waiting for a certain someone to text me.

But there's no one.

    I recalled what happened yesterday. I suddenly texted my ex. Why the fuck did I do that?

   My eyes stopped at the bottles of alcohol littering on the floor. I grimanced at the sight, did I just drink all of that? I don't even drink.

   I turned my phone on, checking what I texted him. My eyes widened as I read the comments, it made me hurt even more.

So we were really over..


athanasia huh

you used to call me sia or
some cute nicknames


5 minutes after my phone turned off, cignaling me that it has recieved a new message. I didn't hesitate to check it as I saw the icon.


we've broken up

theres no need for me to call
you that


   Not gonna lie, I was deeply hurt at what he texted. How dare he texted me like that so coldly? He already broken my heart, why is he breaking it more.


do you remember

the day when we first met

it was years ago

theres no way in hell that i can
still remember that


i still remember it though

good for you then

it was in a party that helena held

she introduced me to you drunkly and
let us two alone together

i was really nervous back then because
its been awhile for me to be alone with
a guy

but luckily you were not bad even though
you were so cold towards me

i still dont remember so just
pls shut up

whatever you are doing right now
will never get us back together

it feels like the old you is back

youre just wasting your time

go away

my time is only for you to be wasted thats
why i cant let you go

just let me text you like this to let this
pain of mine to subside
read 7:09 am

" H . A . P . P . I . E . R " - Lucathy Fanfiction [ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now