Day 22

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I'm nervous.

   I am now standing in front of the university gymnasium doors, my palms were now sweaty from me fidgeting for an hour. Yes, I've been standing here for an hour.

   I don't want to go in, because as soon as I walked in the gymnasium.. I..

... will never be able to see her.

   I took a shaky breath before opening the doors and there she is. Standing at the stage in front, her back facing me. It took everything from me to not hug her tight as I walk closer towards her.

   Sia might heard my footsteps as she turned around, my breathing hitched as I saw her beautiful face again.

   "Hi.." She whispered, loud enough for me to hear it. She sadly smiled at me, which pained my heart so much.

   "H-Hey.." I muttered, not giving her an eye contact.

   She stood right in front of me, at the middle of the stage. I looked up to her, trying not to show my emotions to her.

   "Long time, no see, huh?" She chuckled.

   I nodded, gulping. I gave her a cold look that I wish I don't want to show her. "Let's just get this over with. I'm busy."

Sia looked down. "Right.."

3rd person pov

   Athanasia stood straight, trying not to cry in front of the older in front of her. She looked around the gymnasium, remembering one special memory in her heart in here.

   Her eyes moved back to the ravenette in front of her that just gave her a cold expression, but he didn't looked at her in the eyes. As if he was avoiding it.

   She shook her head, forcing herself not to assume something. She took a shaky breath for her to at least stop these tears that starting to flow in her eyes.

   "Do.... you remember what happened here..?" She asked, one last time.

   Lucas looked around the place, he gulped as he remembered it. His heart was now slowly shattering as he remember every bits of memory of it. He opened his mouth to answer, but the younger beat him to it.

    "This was the place when you asked me out and confesses your love to me," Athanasia said, smiling at him painfully. "I-I'm sure you don't remember this too, right..?"


   Silence. Lucas can't say something, not even a single word, he just looked up to her with wide eyes. Tears slowly starting to fill up his eyes as he stared at her painful expression.

   'Why, just why is it? Why us?'

6 years ago

   Athanasia and Lucas were in the university gymnasium, cleaning up and moving the chairs back in the storage room of the school.

Yes, just the two of them.



   Well, Lucas and Athanasia were pranking at each other but the school principal suddenly got involved by the silly pranks of the two.

   And yeah, there they are, cleaning up in the huge ass gym of the university. What a great experience.

   Athanasia sighed in relief as she chugged down a bottle of water after hours of cleaning, she was sitting down the floor watching Lucas sweeping up the stage floor.

   "That's the last part to clean up, right?" Athanasia asked.

   Lucas stopped sweeping, sighing. "Yeah, finally.."

   Athanasia lightly chuckled, standing up. She stretched her arms out then pick up her things, ready to go home.

   "W-What?" Athanasia frowned with a slight blush on her cheeks as she caught the older staring at her with loving eyes.

   Lucas shook his head then leaned slightly on the broom he's holding. "Nothing.. I'm just admiring."

   Athanasia blushed more then looked away, her hair covering her red cheeks. She heard him chuckled lightly, that is music to her ears.

   "I love you.." He muttered, loud enough for Athanasia to hear.

   She looked up and met his eyes, she took as step back, blushing more. Lucas just watched her getting flustered at his confession.

   "W-W-W-Why all of a-a s-s-sudden?!" She exclaimed.

   She knew that Lucas like her, and Lucas also knoe that she like him back, but love? Isn't that a strong word.

   Lucas hopped down the stage as he walked towards the fustered blonde that just stood there, forzen.

   Lucas stopped, he's now in front of Athanasia. He smiled at her sweetly as he reached out to her red cheek, caressing it gently.

   "I love you..." He repeated. "I really mean that..."

   "You told me you love me..." Athanasia said as she walked down the stage, not leaving Lucas' eyes.

   ".... and I wanted to be with you, forever.."
   "And you wanted to be with me forever.."

   "I love you so much that I don't want anyone or anything, hurt you.."
   "You love me so much that you don't want anyone or anything, hurt me.."

   "And then you finally said..." Athanasia stopped, now standing in front of Lucas, tears slowly ran down her cheeks.

   "... will you be my girlfriend?"
    "... will I be your girlfriend?"

   "But... if you were to ask me the same question again.." She muttered. "I won't be able to answer.."

   "I will gladly to be your girlfriend.."

   "Because Lucas.."

   "I love you too.."

   "I getting married.."

   All the memories the two had, flushed into their minds. The happy moments, sweet moments, the sad moments, until now.

   Athanasia bit her lip as she moved closer, holding Lucas' hand. Their lips met, it felt so right as if it were a puzzle. Lucas slightly kissed back, closing his eyes, making the tears in his eyes starts to flow out.

Their last kiss.

   The two let go, sniffling, staring at each others eyes, full of love and.. pain.

   Athanasia caresses his wet cheek, wiping the tears that came out. She stared at his beautiful features before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodbye... hope you too, be happier.."

   And that, Athanasia was now out of Lucas' life, just like what someone planned.


" H . A . P . P . I . E . R " - Lucathy Fanfiction [ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now