Day 12.4

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   I really got here.

   I was now holding Sia as she slept peacefully in my arms. I stared at her beautiful features, memorizing every detail that I don't want to forget in my mind.

   I played her hair softly, giving her light kisses on her head every minute. It's been a while since I cuddled with her like this.

I really miss this moments.

   I decided to stay with her for another hour. I hugged her closer, inhaling the sweet lavender on her. I wish I could stay with her forever.

   "I miss you.." I muttered, giving her another kiss on the lips. As soft and passionate one. ".. so so much."

   After an hour, I slowly got out of the bed. I gently lay Sia down comfortably. I smiled at the cute sight.

   I gave her a loving kiss on the forehead. "Get well soon, love... I love you."

    And with that I walked out of the building.

" H . A . P . P . I . E . R " - Lucathy Fanfiction [ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now