Day 12.3

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   My mind is hazy.

   I stared on the white ceiling, hoping that this headache of mine will go away but damn! It won't go!

   I remembered Helena feeding me earlier and gave me some medicine but my head is still aching. I took a nice sleep after but when I woke up everything around me is hazy.

   And the worst part is I just dreamt about my ex, again. Making this headache situation of mine gets worse.

And so is my heart..

   I miss him. I wish Lu was here to take care of me, but no. There's no Lucas to feed me or spoil me. Just thinking of that makes me empty.

   The door slowly opened, revealing Helena smiling at me. "Hey.."

   I smiled back as a response. I can't talk right now, my head fucking hurts so much that I don't want to open my mouth and waste my voice.

   She sat down on a chair that is beside my bed then leaned on her elbows as she moved closer. "You okay now?"

   I shuffled around to face her and said in a raspy voice. "Yeah.. just.. hazy."

   She nodded and brushed my bangs off of my forrehead. "Is that so...?"

   I heard the intercom suddenly turned off, making me flinch slightly. I look up to Helena with pleading eyes.

   "Yeah, yeah.. I'll go get it," Helena said, laughing as she stood up from her seat. "I'll be back."

   I hummed in response. I turned back to face the blank ceiling above me, I stared into it for a while that I didn't realized that Helena has come back, until I heard the door closed shut.

   "Jeez, what took you so lo—" I stopped as I saw who the person that was now kneeling beside my bed.

   "L-Lu..?" I stuttered, as I saw him smiling worriedly at me. Seeing him smile at me again made me tear up, but I strained it not to flow out.

   "Hey.." He said softly as his hand brushed through my forehead, running up to my hair. The touch made me feel warm and relieved.

   "I-I miss you..." I choked as tears escaped my eyes as I cannot strain no more.

   "Hey, hey..." Lucas panicked, standing up as he sat down on my bed, pulling me closer to him. "Don't cry.."

"How can I not?" I sniffled.

   I look up to face him, he smiled at me so warmly then gave me a peck on my lips. "I miss you too... so much.."

   Lucas scooted closer and layed down next to me. He spread his arms wide as he smiled. "C'mere.."

   I immediately moved to closer to his chest, letting him to engulf me in a warm hug. I sighed at the familiar scent, I miss this.

   "Let me not wake up from this dream."

" H . A . P . P . I . E . R " - Lucathy Fanfiction [ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now