My Happiness is With You

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|| another special chapter💙

are you finished from your work

yea just packing up my stuffs


wait for me

lets go home together

yieee thank you love



i'll be there for like 5 min


see you

see youu


   I walked out from my workplace and saw a familiar car, driving closer to me. I smiled as I saw Lucas through the window, running to the car and step inside.

   "Hey, beautiful," Lucas said, giving me a peck on the tip of my nose. I blushed, looking away.


   I heard Lucas chuckle as he turned on the engine a drive us back home. "How's work?"

   "Fine.." I said with a shrug, regaining my composure. "It just the usual, nothing new. But it's fun."

   "Hmm.. good to know," Lucas said, nodding as he pats my head. I smiled at the touch.

   "What about yours?"

   "Good.. not until Helena slapped me with a thick ass folder," Lucas replied, rolling his eyes as he mentioned Helena.

   I laughed, then pinched his cheeks. "Helena is very scary, huh? She's also the reason why you came back to me and tell me the reason behind our break up."

   "Yeah, the door still hasn't got repaired after when she kicked it.." Lucas said with a laugh. "I really need a very hard door for her not to break it open."

   We arrived at my apartment, Lucas walked me to my room, holding my hand firmly as we walked. We didn't plan to live together because we are still to busy to pack and to arrange things to what it used to be, so we waited for the right time to come.

   "You're really going back?" I pouted, holding his hand tightly. "It's too soon.."

   Lucas chuckled lightly, tugging my hand. "C'mere.." I followed, letting him hug me tight. I sighed, inhaling the sweet honey from him.

   "Do you want me to stay?" Lucas muttered, peppering my head with kisses, making me giggle. I nod looking up to him with puppy eyes.

   Lucas smiled. "Fine.."

   I smiled widely, giving him a loving kiss as we walked in my apartment. And the rest is history.

   My happiness is with you..

   Let's stay like this forever.

" H . A . P . P . I . E . R " - Lucathy Fanfiction [ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now