Day 12.1

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    I've stopped texting Lucas. Why? Because I'm tired, tried to get hurt by his hurtful words a thousand times, even though I love him so much.

   And here I am, lying on the couch, waiting for an alien to just appear on my ceiling and take me away from this comfortable couch that I'm laying at.

And also I'm sick. Like literally sick.

   My head hurts from all the crying I had yesterday, which is supposed to be my 6th anniversary with Lucas, but we've broken up days ago. And it's hurting me.

   All of my memories with him just flashed throughy mind and suddenly faded away, replacing it with the hurtful texts he gave me.

   I can't believe that it was all an act. I should've gave him an oscar award for acting as the best boyfriend. And yes, I assumed everything was just an act, because there's no way he would suddenly break up with me when our relationship is going well and such.

Or is there a other reason...





   Ugh, thinking all about that makes my head ache more than it was.

   The door suddenly tore open, causing me to almost jump off the sofa. I sat up to see who it is and saw Helena walking in happily in the living room.

  "Uh, miss.." I called jokingly. ".. you've got the wrong room.."

   "Shut u— WOAH! What happened to your face?!" She exclaimed as she saw my tear stained red face with a very runny nose and red eyes.

   "I'm sick.." I muttered, taking a sneeze on a tissue that I took from a tissue box.

   Helena sighed, walking towards me and touched my forehead to check my temperature. "Good thing, I came here huh?"

   "No it's not," I said with a snort. "Carry me back to the room, my head hurts.."


" H . A . P . P . I . E . R " - Lucathy Fanfiction [ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now