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"Sir! The young miss was nowhere to be seen!!" Athanasia's butler panicked through the phone.

Claude sighed. "Go back here without her, Felix. She will not be coming home today.."

"Eh? But what about the madame, sir?" Felix questioned. "She'll get mad."

"I... I'll talk to her.." Claude replied, taking a deep breath.

The call ended with Felix agreeing to him. Claude looked up to the starry night sky as he leaned on the balcony rails. His lips slowly curved into a smile ad he felt a gentle breeze of the air, hitting his skin.

"She really have grown up, huh?" He muttered. "Did I do a good job raising her, Diana..?"

"I hope she has find her happiness.."

The door of his room suddenly bursts open, revealing a angry old woman, calling out of his name.

"What did you do, Claude?!" She yelled as soon he found him, walking in the room from the balcony.

"Stop controlling my daughter, mother," Claude said. " She already have her freedom to live and to love someone.. don't take it away from her, just like what you did to us.. to Diana.."

The old woman stopped, slightly flinched as she heard the name of her son's wife. But instead of feeling guilty, she became more enrage than she already was.

"Get out!!" She exclaimed. "Get out of here!! And never come back, you useless son!!"

Claude nodded. "Gladly.."

And with that Claude left his mother, walking out of the room with a loud bang of the door. The old woman clawed her hair in anger as she heard the door closing loudly, pushing the vases off the tables. She was like a crazy animal that hasn't eaten in days. She is totally defeated.

" H . A . P . P . I . E . R " - Lucathy Fanfiction [ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now