Let's be Happier Again

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The destined lovers eyes met, and just like magic, time stopped. It was only the two of them, and nothing matters.


Lucas let out a breath of relief as he saw the love of his life, he immediately walked towards her and gave her a tight hug. Athanasia took a step back to balance herself from the impact,

"Thank goodness, you're still here..." Lucas whispered his voice cracking, tears now trickling down his cheeks. "Thank goodness..."

"What are you doing?!" Athanasia exclaimed, trying to push him off. "Let go!"

"No... not this time..." Lucas sniffled, hugging her tighter. "I will never let you go again... I'm so sorry.."

As Athanasia heard his apology, her eyes watered. She felt a pang on her chest that made her to push him more.

"You think that I'm gonna come back to your arms after hearing that petty apology of yours?!" She broke down. "After everything you said to me?! What is wrong with you?!"

"Sia, please let me explain.." Lucas said slowly letting her go. "It was all because of your grandmother... and I'm such an idiot for agreeing to break up with you.."

"My... grandmother?"

Lucas nodded, then let out a hand to hers. "Please.. come back to me, Sia.. I've realized my mistake, and I'm not gonna do it again.."

"Are you sure about that..?" Athanasia asked, staring at his hand.


"What if you're lying to me..? What if you're just playing with me..? W-What if you're going to leave me again..." Athanasia bit her lip as she remembered the harsh texts he gave her, the pain came back again.

"I'm not gonna do that.. you know that I don't hate you, Sia.. you know that better than I do.." Lucas muttered, holding her hand.

"How am I gonna believe in you? You just gave me a harsh treatment for how many weeks.. and how can you think that I'll stay?" Athanasia said. "Not everything will say yes to everything you said Lu.."

Lucas sighed, smiling at her sweetly. He pulled her closer and gave her a kiss on the forehead, making the latter blush at the touch. Lucas let go and caressed her cheek with his other hand, his forehead leaning against hers.

"You still love me.." He muttered. "I know that better than you do.. I know you'll come back to me, because you still love me, and me too."

Athanasia gulped at the small gap between them. Her eyes soften, her eyes slowly closed as she felt his warmth against her skin.

"Then say it..." She whispered, opening her eyes to meet his lovely gaze.

"What is it?" Lucas asked, sniffing her usual sweet lavander scent that drives him crazy. He love this scent of hers, it always calms him down.

"Say that you love me..."

Lucas blinked 2 times and smiled, he move away and kissed her forehead again. "I.." - then moved down to kiss the tip of her nose, making the younger giggle lightly.- "Love.." - then he move down again, theur lips now inclined together, he didn't hesitate to give her a cute peck on the lips.- "You.. so much.."

Athanasia flushed red as she felt his lips on hers, even if it's just a peck, she can feel his soft lips on lingering on hers. She immediately let go, pushing Lucas away, giving him a smack on the chest.

"Y-Yah! How d-d-dare you kiss m-me like that?!!" She exclaimed, causing every people who walked across them, stare at her weirdly.

Lucas laughed as he watched Athanasia getting more red as she realized that there's a lot of people around. He immediately pull her closer to his chest, hugging her so tight, as if he don't want to let go.

"Ahh.. why are you so cute..?" Lucas said, inhaling the sweet lavander from the younger. It was really intoxicating.

"Yeah right, I'm cute.." Athanasia muttered smugly, looking up to her lover, her chin resting on his chest.

Lucas rolled his eyes. "Nevermind, I'll take that back.."

"You can't~~" Athanasia giggled, making Lucas roll his eyes again.

Athanasia pouted her lips, pointing to the older's plump ones. "Give me a kiss."

"Since when are you so confident?" Lucas raised a brow, leaning away. Athanasia whined, hopping up and down.

"C'mon~~ the last one is so lame!! Give me a long one," Athanasia begged, giving him a puppy eyes as she tip toed herself closer to the older's lips.

Lucas chuckled, holding her cheeks. "Fine.."

He leaned closer, until their lips finally touch. Athanasia immdiately kissed back. They can feel themselves smiling through the kiss, they can feel their cheeks heat up as their lips move in sync as if it was choreograph. They missed this, they missed the other's touch, warmth, and love.

They let go, smiling like an idiot. They can hear some cheers from the people around them, but that doesn't matter, they just care each others precence and that's all that matters.

"I love you, Sia.." Lucas muttered, rubbing his nose against the younger. "And I'll never let you go, ever again.."

"I love you too, Lu.." Athanasia replied, responding to the nose rub that Lucas gave her.

"Let's be happier again.."

" I'm happier when I'm with you, smiling beside me, keep smiling :) "

|| end of H . A . P . I . E . R ||
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" H . A . P . P . I . E . R " - Lucathy Fanfiction [ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now