Day 12

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    It was Saturday, my life is still boring as hell. My phone suddenly lit up as it recieved a notification from instagram. I opened the app and saw my ex with the caption: Missing you :').

  Ijekiel, Jennette and Helena and some other friends of hers commenting on her post to cheer her up. She really has a lot of friends, huh?

   I put down my phone on the coffee table and took a sip of my coffee. The living room was kinda dark and cold, but it don't matter to me, I love silence.

Than that annoying and noisy blonde.

    Speaking of her, she didn't sended me a text today, and also yesterday. All I recieved was a post of hers on instagram and that's it. No texts about our past together.

I wonder what happened?

    My phone suddenly rings, startling me from my relaxing alone time with my coffee. I checked who was it...

Lena :|
is calling you...

accept   •   decline  ]

I put the speaker on my ear to hear her call. "Hello?"

   "You called!" Her voice sounded through the speakerof my phone. My ear hurt.

   "Yeah, why?" I asked in an annoyed tone as I continued to sip my coffee.

"You see...."

" H . A . P . P . I . E . R " - Lucathy Fanfiction [ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now