Day 12.2

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    "You see.... Athy is sick.." Helena said through the phone. I stood up, eyes widened as I heard it.

    So that's why she didn't texted me for a while.

   I cleared my throat, changing it into a cold tone. "So what?"

    I heard her sigh, more like a scoff. "Lucas, drop that stupid act.."

    I gave up, sighing. I slouched down on my couch as I let my free hand run through my hair. "Sorry.."

   I heard Sia cough loudly on the other line then followed it with hard huffs. My brows knitted together, making a frown, hearing her breathing heavily in pain makes me worried.

   "H-How is she...?" I swallowed, trying not to spill any tears from my eyes.

   "She's kinda struggled breathing normally because of her coughs but other than that... she's fine.. not emotionally though.." Helena muttered the 3 last words.

   My breathing hitched as I heard that, I took a deep shaky breath. "S-Sorry.."

   "Don't be.." She said. "I know the reason but I still hate you for doing that.."

   I lightly laughed, slowly standing up and took my coffee to the kitchen. I put my mug down on the sink then leaned my back on the counter with my phone still attached on my ear.

   "You should come..." Helena suddenly said, making me choke on air.

   "M-Me?!" I yelled in disbelief. "No way! She has to stay away from me!"

   "Jeez Lucas..." Helena scoffed and I swear I can see her rolling her eyes now. "She will never know, she's sick."

   "No buts!" She cut me off. "She needed you right now... please.."

   My mouth went agape as I wanted to retort back, but nothing comes to mind. So instead, I sighed.


" H . A . P . P . I . E . R " - Lucathy Fanfiction [ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now